New official figures show 4 million more households in England by 2021 Failure of 'confused' asylum scheme £1m migrants project 'a scandal' BNP LEADER FACE JAIL FOR BAN ON NON-WHITES The terrorists chief next door Ex-Afghan terror chief living in Glasgow flat Cops foil UK surge 28,000 illegal attempts to enter UK foiled Migrant stowaways at Calais triple in five years Why I, as a British Muslim woman, want the burkha banned from our streets BNP may face race case over membership rules Manor House Tube used by Turkish gangs to plot smugglings 'Terror commander' loses appeal Burka makes women prisoners, says President Sarkozy France declares war on public wearing of burqas in bid to end female 'debasement'A selection of recent media reports
Government figures revised up One new household to be formed every 2 minutes Immigration the major factor New official figures released today in Regional Trends show that the projected number of households in England will rise by almost 4 million households in 15 years - from 21.52 million (2006) to 25.44 million in 2021
Balanced Migration (24-Jun-2009)
A Government scheme to help failed asylum seekers return home resulted in just one family leaving the UK, it is reported. The Children's Society said the scheme, which ran for less than a year, failed because of the Government's confused approach.
Channel 4 News (24-Jun-2009)
BBC News A £1m government scheme to help failed asylum seekers and their children return home resulted in just one family leaving Britain, the BBC has learned.
BBC News (24-Jun-2009)
BRITISH National Party chiefs could be jailed if they carry on banning ethnic minority members, it emerged last night.
Sunday Express (24-Jun-2009)
A TERROR chief who fought against brave British soldiers in Afghanistan has been allowed to live here for the last THREE years.
The Sun (24-Jun-2009)
A FORMER Afghan terrorist leader has lived in Scotland while fighting to be granted asylum in the United Kingdom, it was revealed yesterday. Dawalat Khan Nasir, 34, was commander of an outlawed group with close links to Osama bin Laden when he fled to the West and sought refugee status.
The Scotsman (24-Jun-2009)
THOUSANDS of riot cops were called in last night to stop anarchists helping UK-bound asylum seekers from storming the Channel Tunnel.
The Sun (24-Jun-2009)
New figures reveal the increasingly desperate battle to protect...
The Independent (24-Jun-2009)
Comments (0) Add to My Stories The number of migrants trying to sneak into Britain via Calais has almost tripled in just five years. The revelation that more than 50 a day are being caught follows the re-emergence of refugee camps at Sangatte, close to where lorries board ferries to cross the Channel.
The Mail On Sunday (23-Jun-2009)
Shopping in Harrods last week, I came across a group of women wearing black burkhas, browsing the latest designs in the fashion department. The irony of the situation was almost laughable.
Daily Mail (23-Jun-2009)
LONDON (Reuters) - The far-right British National Party could face a legal challenge to its membership rules and constitution, which may breach racial discrimination laws, the government's equality watchdog said on Tuesday. (23-Jun-2009)
DETAILS have emerged of how a multi-million-pound human-smuggling business was run through a series of rendezvous outside Manor House Station. Musa Hurman, 49, of Florence Road, Hornsey, and Mustafa Gunduz, 49, of Finsbury Park, were sentenced on June 11 for three years and 18 months respectively for human...
Haringey Independent (23-Jun-2009)
An Afghan asylum seeker in Glasgow who fought against Nato-led forces in his homeland has lost his appeal against deportation from the UK.
BBC News Scotland (23-Jun-2009)
President Sarkozy threw his weight yesterday behind attempts to bar French Muslim women from covering their faces in public, calling their full-body dress a debasement of women.
Times Online (23-Jun-2009)
FRENCH President Nicolas Sarkozy has lashed out at the practice of wearing the Muslim burqa, insisting the full-body religious gown is a sign of the "debasement" of women and that it won't be welcome in France. (23-Jun-2009)
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
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Britannia Radio