Councils spend £50m a year translating documents no-one reads LABOURS FAILURE ON ASYLUM GOVERNMENT ARROGANCE LET IN THE BNP FASCISTS THE DEATH OF DEMOCRACY WE MUST DEFEAT THE HATE-FILLED BNP WITH WORDS, NOT VIOLENCE LABOUR S FAILURE ON ASYLUM An audience with a racist Riot at Gatwick immigration centre Foreign doctors told: You can stay in Britain after all Letters Page Fire at immigration removal unit Talking about immigration welsh dragon Anti-BNP movement split over tactics after Nick Griffin egg protest A selection of recent media reports
Town halls and Whitehall spend £50 million a year on translation and interpretation for the benefit of people who cannot speak English.
Daily Terlegraph (14-Jun-2009)
THOUSANDS of failed asylum seekers are escaping deportation because the Government has not built enough immigration detention centres, MPs will warn this...
Sunday Express (14-Jun-2009)
WHEN anti-fascist activists threw eggs at Nick Griffin, the BNP leader and newly elected MEP, the only people left with egg on their faces were this Labour...
Daily Express (14-Jun-2009)
BRITAIN has ceased to be a working democracy. Our Parliament is no longer fit for purpose .
Daily Express (14-Jun-2009)
The election of two British National Party Euro MPs is a depressing development but I doubt that it merits the almost hysterical reception it has received. It is important to put the election result into...
Daily Express (14-Jun-2009)
THOUSANDS of failed asylum seekers are escaping deportation because the Government has not built enough immigration detention centres, MPs will warn this...
Daily Express (14-Jun-2009)
Peter Victor meets the newly elected MEP Nick Griffin and asks why the British National Party wants to throw him out of the...
The Independent (14-Jun-2009)
POLICE, prison staff and fire fighters were called to an immigration centre as out of control inmates start...
Crawley Today (13-Jun-2009)
Foreign doctors treating patients in British hospitals will be allowed to stay in this country after an embarrassing U-turn by the Government - triggered by The Mail on...
Daily Mail (13-Jun-2009)
SIR, Democratically elected by the will of the people yet denied the right of free speech by a baying mob. So who are the extremists? This singular act of stupidity will probably get the BNP a couple of seats in Westminster come election...
The Press and Journal (13-Jun-2009)
A fire was started and "disorder" broke out at a wing of an immigration removal centre near Gatwick Airport, Sussex police...
BBC News Northern Ireland (13-Jun-2009)
Sunny Hundal takes issue with Graeme Archer's Centre Right blogpost on how an over-zealous "race industry" helped nurture the BNP. I think Sunny is a little unfair this...
The Spectator (13-Jun-2009)
Take a look at their manifesto. I don't agree with all of their policies, but the way I see things is that this country faces two very real,and dangerous threats,namely the EU and the islamification of the...
Daily Express (13-Jun-2009)
When Nick Griffin was pelted with eggs outside Parliament this week, the protest divided public opinion over whether it was a legitimate expression of anger or a foolhardy stunt that handed unwarranted publicity to the British National Party.
TTimesonline (13-Jun-2009)
Sunday, 14 June 2009
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Britannia Radio