Sunday, 28 June 2009

A selection of recent media reports

Protest to call for 'no borders'
Activists campaigning for the abolition of migration controls are planning a demonstration march in Calais. The organisers, mainly from the UK, France and Belgium, are holding a week-long protest camp in Calais and hope up to 2,000 people will march on Saturday.
BBC News (27-Jun-2009)

'Asylum burglar' is freed by judge
A CRIMINAL asylum seeker was FREED by the High Court yesterday - even though he is likely to reoffend.
The Sun (27-Jun-2009)

Comment: Silence on immigration fails us all
By Charlie... (27-Jun-2009)

Scandal of the migrant criminals: High Court frees Somali thug Britain couldn't deport
The country's shambolic immigration laws were under the spotlight yesterday after the High Court ordered the release of a prolific criminal who has been fighting deportation for three years.
Daily Mail (26-Jun-2009)

Criminal failed asylum seeker to be released due to Home Office delays
A failed asylum seeker with a history of violent offences should be released back on to the streets even though he still poses a risk - because of Home Office delays, a High Court judge ruled. (26-Jun-2009)