Yesterday when Gordon proposed throwing $100 billion at developing countries to help them cope with climate change, he said: When historians look back on this critical moment, let them say, not that we were the generation that failed our children; but that we had the courage, and the will, to succeed. Bonkers Brown reminds Guido of Wacko Jacko, saving the world “for the children”. Jacko died broke, living extravagantly beyond his means. Brown is taking us to never, never land financially…Brown’s Billions for Climate Change
The Prime Mentalist will succeed only in putting our children into debt that will last generations. No other G7 country supports this position because they are not led by loons. They have budget deficits to worry about, Britain’s deficit is the worst, last month alone the government overspent by £20 billion. Britain is broke, a government that can’t pay it’s bills has resorted to printing money to buy its own government debt and has run out of things to tax. They are planning to tax phone lines.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
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Britannia Radio