Sunday, 28 June 2009

Sir Richard Dannatt kills off plans for European Army

Sir David Richards, due to take over from dithering Dannatt in August, is a very much brighter general, writes Christopher Booker.


What an odd fellow is Sir Richard Dannatt, head of the British Army. Last week, at a conference on land warfare, he slipped out in coded form that the Army's £16 billion Future Rapid Effects System (FRES), planned as the centrepiece of Britain's contrbution to the European Army (aka the European Rapid Reaction Force) is a dead duck.

Sir Richard used to be a big fan of FRES, but he has now belatedly realised that one reason why our interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan turned out to be such abject failures was the Ministry of Defence's obsession with spending billions on projects like FRES to fight imaginary wars of the future, rather than properly equipping our forces for the wars they were actually having to fight.

Sir Richard, as his speeches show, still can't make up his mind whether to boast that our occupation of Iraq was "a job well done" or admit that it was a humiliating failure. How many people are aware that our forces were eventually booted out by the Iraqi government because we had so woefully failed to carry out the job they were sent there for? (For the full horrifying story, see my colleague Richard North's new book, Ministry of Defeat.)

Fortunately a real wind of change is beginning to blow through Britain's military thinking at the top (as evidenced in the excellent article by Thomas Harding in Friday's Daily Telegraph, with input from Dr North). Sir David Richards, due to take over from dithering Dannatt in August, is a very much brighter general, who knows what needs to be done.

The only obstacle now, it seems, is that blinkered make-believe which still prevails in the MoD, whose only success in recent years has been to conceal the fact that our occupation of Iraq was such a fiasco, and that our presence in Afghanistan is following suit.