Friday 12 June 2009

A Special Message From Chris Ruddy, Publisher Newsmax

Commodities expert Jim Rogers shows how to

Protect Yourself From the
Great Dollar Debasement

Get your FREE copy of our new Financial Intelligence Report featuring one of the world's most insightful financial analysts, Jim Rogers (author of Hot Commodities) on what will likely happen next with the U.S. economy and important, 6 specific steps to take in a bear market to protect your investments.

Here are a few of the highlights of our latest insider report, on dollar debasement, the credit crisis, and how to invest now:

Between a rock and a hard place: How the government's use of inflation to pay off soaring debt is no longer working.
Why interest rates are about to skyrocket.
The spectacular performance of Rogers International Commodity Index investments.
How long before the credit crisis turns around?
Commodity super-investor Jim Rogers six favorite investments in a bear market.
Two ways the U.S. could avoid recession, including suggestions for a new "national infrastructure" bank.
Great news about the global economy: The steady eradication of international poverty and rise of millions of affluent new foreign consumers.
Get your FREE copy of our important new investor report "Protect Yourself from the Great Dollar Debasement," by going Here.

Dear Investors:

As the U.S. faces what could be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, virtually all investors are having trouble keeping their heads above water, much less making substantial returns.

However, there have been a few bright spots: Many commodity-based investments have recently returned large profits. Mining company Teck Cominco, for instance, produced a total return of 165.89 percent. It was one of 20 commodities-oriented recommendations by our Financial Intelligence Report that returned an average of 96 percent for investors.

"No one is better at picking winning commodities
than Jim Rogers, even in a bear market"

Commodities have recently had a major correction, but according to commodity expert Jim Rogers, the commodity bull market still has many years to go.

Indeed, the wave of the future for successful investors may well be commodities and international mining stocks.

And when it comes to commodities, no one is better at picking winners than Jim Rogers, author of Hot Commodities, and co-founder of the Quantum Fund, which posted a stunning 4,000 percent gain in one decade.

In our new Financial Intelligence Report, Jim Rogers provides clear, straight-to-the point answers and advice for investors about what to expect next in the U.S. economy, and specific steps to take now to protect your investments.

In this exclusive and very timely Newsmax interview you will learn . . .

How Jim Rogers was one of the few well-known financial experts with the courage to reveal the government's phony inflation figures.
How U.S. federal debt continues to soar, meaning much higher inflation soon.
How Washington's apparent policy of paying off huge federal debt and entitlement obligations by inflation, is now being undermined by faltering credit markets.
Why Jim Rogers says the Fed should have let Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac go bankrupt.
Why financial authorities in Washington continue to make "mistake after mistake after mistake."
How long a stock market bear market is likely to last.
Roger's six favorite investments today — and why they're likely to continue to make money even in a bear market.
Why U.S. medium- and long-term interest rates will almost certainly go much higher in the next few years.
How the U.S. has become a huge debtor nation; the top ten U.S. foreign creditors.
What China's booming economy means for foreign investors; and how you can invest now.
The spectacular performance of the Rogers International Commodity Index.
How the U.S. credit crisis will affect world markets.
Get your FREE copy NOW of our new Financial Intelligence Report,
"Protecting Yourself from Dollar Debasement"

More timely, important information on protecting your investments and assets in our new "Dollar Debasement" Financial Intelligence Report, hot off the presses:

How long the credit mess is likely to last, according to veteran bank consultant Bert Ely.
Why we need to also worry about credit card and auto debt.
Why Ely says massive bank failures in the US are unlikely.
Urgent changes mortgage lenders need to make now.
How "the new bears" are protecting themselves from the credit crisis.
Why investors are flocking to Treasury bonds even as yields are plummeting. What's next for Treasury bonds?
Inflation continues to soar.
Will the Fed lower interest rates again?
How the U.S. can still avoid recession.
How a new "national infrastructure" bank could turn the economy around.
Could Treasury mortgage swaps save faltering banks?
Why local schools urgently need help.
Great news about the global economy.
How poverty is plummeting throughout the world.
How the exploding, middle class is invigorating economies throughout the world.
The world's four biggest emerging economies.
The huge army of affluent new consumers.
Why superstar money manager Bill Gross says the euro is still greatly overvalued.
FIR Portfolio Update including all open stock positions . . . our latest stop-loss recommendations . . . and how our stock picks continue to beat the market.
Get your FREE Copy Now!

We've Been Dead-on With our Predictions So Far in 2009
Don't Miss our Latest Report!

Financial Intelligence Report continually spots new trends, helps its readers make money, and gives you expert analysis on the financial markets each and every month.

Since 2003, we've shown an uncanny ability to ferret out what is truly happening as it relates to the U.S. and global economy. It's easy to join the chorus line. We prefer to give you the facts before the rest.

Our reports and predictions have been so uncannily accurate, they read like prophesy. Here are some key trends we focused on in recent years (and our first "early warning" of each trend):

Housing bust (FIR's first warning: 2005)
Credit crunch (2005)
Falling dollar (2004)
Skyrocketing oil (2006)
Rising gold price (2004)
Get your FREE Copy Now!

The Mainstream Financial Media Isn't Telling You What
You Need to Know To Survive and Prosper
in 2009, 2010, and Beyond

Between plummeting housing prices, failing banks, and out-of-control government spending, the U.S. faces the most serious financial problems in decades, perhaps the most serious problems since the Great Depression in 1929.

As regular readers of the Financial Intelligence Reports know, we have been warning about these problems for years, and providing expert advice to our readers on how to protect yourself.

Subscribes who have followed our advice have protected their bank deposits, avoided fad investments and scams, and made market-beating returns year-after-year.

Now as financial problems escalate, we remain your early-warning system and safety net, providing the information you need to protect your savings, income, and investments.

The News Isn't All Bad — Big Opportunities Ahead
For Savvy Investors. We Show You Them All

Investment opportunities are always out there, in good times and bad. New opportunities are waiting for you in 2009, and FIR can help you find them: Every issue is packed with news and recommendations for up-and-coming stocks that meet our investment criteria.

Our stock picks clobbered the S&P 500 in 2004 through 2006: +15% in 2006, +28% in 2005, +58.4% in 2004, and up more than 30% on average since inception. And in addition to great stock picks, FIR covers stocks, bonds, munis, options, commodities and precious metals.

Consider this: If you had subscribed to Financial Intelligence Report four years ago with just $50,000 in your account and followed our advice and recommendations precisely, it would be worth $188,375 today — without having added a single penny.

Expert, Independent And Often Contrarian Insights

At Financial Intelligence Report, we give you the economic advice and financial insight of the smartest, best connected — and often contrarian — minds on the planet, including . . .

Former Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig, also a noted business leader who was a founding director of AOL, says bluntly, "Financial Intelligence Report is a must read for every global investor."

They turn to us because of our unique brain trust.

Financial Intelligence Report publisher, Christopher Ruddy, a graduate of the London School of Economics, and world-respected commentator and author.

Plus these great FIR contributors:

David Frazier, an investment securities industry expert who brings to the table more than 20-years experience in the financial markets. He's worked for several top firms, including Dun & Bradstreet and Investor's Business Daily.
Jarret Wollstein, a much in-demand speaker and author on financial and privacy issues. Jarret's books have sold millions of copies.
Axel Merk, president of Merk Investments, an independent investment adviser focused on growth, value, gold, and cash strategies.
Hans Etienne Parisis, a Belgian-born bank economist who has advised global billionaires and governments on the financial markets and international investments. Hans is based in Panama City, Panama.
Subscribers to FIR know, and now you can be sure you are on the right side of the most important investment trends in the coming year.

As an FIR subscriber, you get total access to five years of past issues and special reports. So if you want all the gory details — how and why the inflation books get cooked, for example — check out our special issue The Dirty Little Secret: Stealth Inflation (November 2006). You'll learn five accounting tricks that the government uses to keep the "official" inflation rate artificially low — and how this benefits Capitol Hill and hurts hard-working citizens.

Expert Analysis and Stock Recommendations

For five years, Financial Intelligence Report has provided investors like you with exceptional economic analysis and stock recommendations. We have been right on most all of the major economic trends of the past five years protecting our readers and helping them make huge profits along the way.

In Financial Intelligence Report we have . . .

Warned you about the current mortgage meltdown two years before it happened.
Warned you about the falling dollar since our June 2004 issue entitled The Dangerous Dollar Warning.
Guided you to Canadian royalty trusts that went up as much as 100% in one year, while paying up to 15% dividends. Interviewed the world's most successful investors, including billionaire Warren Buffett (the 2nd richest man in the U.S.) . . . commodity superstar investor Jim Rogers (author of Hot Commodities) . . . and Sir John Templeton.
Revealed massive stealth inflation in the U.S., even while the Federal Reserve was claiming 2.3% "core inflation" (which conveniently excludes energy, food, taxes and housing).
Warned you about the coming housing crash in our Sept. 2004 issue.
Warned you about the looming Baby Boomer crisis, which could devastate U.S. financial and real estate markets.
Predicted the price of gold would skyrocket back in December 2003. Since then the price of gold has gone from $250 to over $1,030. Our subscribers also cashed in with a 32% gain in our gold ETFs in less than a year! What will gold do next? See our monthly commentary and analysis.
Steered you toward dividend stocks paying up to 17% a year, plus appreciation. Provided you with new investment recommendations in every issue, some returning over 100% a year.
Just imagine what you would have made — and saved — if you had this kind of financial intelligence three or four years ago.

Subscribers to FIR know, and now you can be sure you are on the right side of the most important investment trends in the coming year. Don't risk doing without FIR.