Sunday, June 28, 2009
Iranian Riot Police Beat, Gas Demonstrators
White House Door Still Open to Diplomacy with Iran
Top Obama administration officials say the door remains open for nuclear talks with Iran. They are discounting the latest anti-American rhetoric from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The ongoing post-election turmoil in Iran has raised questions about the outlook for diplomacy to deal with Tehran's nuclear ambitions.
Appearing on the CBS television program Face the Nation, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice indicated the Iranian nuclear program remains a matter of high concern for the White House.
"We have an interest in any case in trying to ensure that Iran does not achieve a nuclear weapons capability," said Rice. "We have pursued that through multi-lateral diplomacy.
"We have left the door open to bilateral diplomacy."
On NBC's Meet the Press, President Obama's top advisor, David Axelrod, said the administration remains open to attending talks between Iran and the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany.
He was asked if the tough talk over the weekend by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might be enough to put diplomacy on hold.
"Understand that he is not the decision maker when it comes to foreign policy and defense policy in Iran," he said. "His comments are meant for domestic political content."
Iran's president has accused the United States of meddling in his country's affairs. Axelrod said he is merely trying to change the subject.
"It is a long used technique in Iran to try to make the United States the foil for their own problems," said Axelrod. "His problems are with the Iranian people, not with us!"Demilitarization Myths: from the Hall of Mirrors in 1919 to the Hills and Valleys of Judea and Samaria
It will be forbidden to Germany to maintain or build fortifications... in this territory (West of the Rhine).... It is forbidden for Germany to maintain an army.... the German army will not include more than seven infantry divisions.... It is forbidden for Germany to import or export tanks or any other military hardware.... The German naval forces will be limited and are not to include submarines. The armed forces of Germany will not include any air forces.... In the political realm, Germany is forbidden to enter into any treaty with Austria.
-Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was signed exactly 90 years ago, on June 28, 1919, in the Hall of Mirrors of the Palace of Versailles. The treaty ended the state of war between Imperial Germany and the Allied Powers, and essentially made Germany a demilitarized state ... until the Nazis ripped up the accord and rearmed in pursuit of European conquest and world domination.
Arieh Eldad, an Israeli politician and physician, sees a powerful lesson in the events--and errors--of nearly a century ago. A member of the Knesset for the National Union, Eldad argues that attempts to demilitarize a West Bank/Gaza Palestinian state are doomed to fail. In this regard, he is sharply critical of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's conditional acceptance in principle of the so-called two-state solution to the Arab/Islamist-Israeli conflict. Eldad writes:So what happened? Did the "demilitarized" status prevent the Second World War and, worst of all, the destruction of European Jewry?
By 1922, an agreement between Russia and Germany had been signed in the Italian city of Rapallo. The agreement was open and met the terms of the Versailles Treaty, but the conference that prepared it was secret; and there, Soviet Russia and Germany agreed on joint establishment of weapons factories, poison gas and ammunition. German army officers were sent to Russia to be trained in the use of weapons that were forbidden to be maintained in Germany. In Germany, civilian factories were refurbished into arms factories, funded, as it were, by private individuals, not the state.
When I heard about the widespread activity of Jews in the Obama court and about the extreme anti-Israeli stance they are taking, and about the anger of the extreme Left in Israel over Netanyahu's speech - in that he did not express a willingness to take in Arab refugees, give away Jerusalem and dismantle settlements, all as a prepayment for negotiating with the enemies of Israel - I again thought of the Rapallo Treaty. It was the Jewish foreign minister of Germany, Walther Rathenau, who stood behind the agreement that years later gave Nazi Germany its powerful war machine. And it was Erhard Milch, the son of a Jewish father, who subverted the Versailles Treaty and, in the guise of civilian aeronautic companies and flying clubs, established Lufthansa, which during the war became the Luftwaffe, the German air force that in weeks overcame Poland and France and bombed London in the Blitz. The Jewish people can be trusted to bring forth warped members who will arm the "demilitarized Palestinian state", if one should ever come to be.
The lesson being that there is no political power that can prevent a sovereign state from doing whatever it wants. Netanyahu knows that if ever a Palestinian state should, Heaven forbid, be established, Israel will not be able to declare war on it if it should choose, for instance, to sign an international tourism agreement with Cyprus or a transfer-of-technology agreement with Iran. If pipes are manufactured in Tulkarm, Israel will not be able to start a war that can be justified in the eyes of the world if steel cutters turn the pipes into Kassam rockets. Since nothing other than Israeli force could possibly preserve demilitarization, Netanyahu is deceiving the people of Israel and promising them something that cannot be delivered.
Monday, 29 June 2009
Using tear gas and clubs, the Islamist regime's riot police attacked an estimated 3,000 demonstrators in North Tehran today. Click here for the report, and below for an eyewitness video from the Iranian capital.
As China Confidential predicted, the Obama administration is continuing its policy of trying to diplomatically engage Islamist Iran, as shown by this VOA report, despite rising concerns that the policy will only serve to legitimize the turbaned tyranny and give it time to develop nuclear weapons. The President's chief advisor, David Axelrod, clearly disagrees with analysts who say that the top turbaned tyrant--Ayatollah Khamenei--has become a puppet of Iranian maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps.
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Britannia Radio