Sunday, 28 June 2009

Swift had Gulliver spot Brown’s ilk almost three hundred years ago:

I was chiefly disgusted with modern History. 

For having strictly examined all the Persons of greatest Name 

in the Courts of Princes for a hundred Years past, 

I found how the World had been misled by prostitute Writers, 

to ascribe the greatest Exploits in War to Cowards,

 the wisest Counsel to Fools, 

Sincerity to Flatterers, 

Roman Virtue to Betrayers of their Country, 

Piety to Atheists, 

Chastity to Sodomites, 

Truth to Informers. 

How many innocent and excellent Persons had been 

condemned to Death or Banishment, 

by the practising of great Ministers upon the Corruption of Judges, 

and the Malice of Faction. 

How many Villains had been exalted to the highest Places of Trust, 

Power, Dignity, and Profit: 

How great a Share in the Motions and Events of Courts, Councils, and Senates

 might be challenged by Bawds, Whores, Pimps, Parasites, and Buffoons.