Dear all,
In the developing story about the military origin of the Swine Flu H1N1
virus, an Austrian investigative journalist has just filed a law suit in
Vienna against the companies (Baxter and Avir) which are preparing the
vaccine against the resulting pandemic on the grounds that they are
preparing a global genocide designed to substantially reduce the world's
Claims of this nature have been a staple among conspiracy theorists, who
point to the eugenicist history of, among others, the Rockefeller family,
which had supported the Nazi's racial agenda and which today controls
virtually 100% of the US bioengineering industry, as well as the UN / WHO.
They also point to the fact that within the not too distant future, advances
in bioengineering will give man the ability to control the aging process,
leading to fears of massive overpopulation.
Evidence that such an agenda is currently in the process of implementation
has been collected by Austrian investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister,
who has documented evidence of the involvement of Austrian and US firms. A
summary of her findings can be found here: complete document (mostly in German) can be found here to an Austrian parliamentary inquest of March 20, 2009, the
Austrian vaccines were contaminated with the H5N1 virus. allegations confirm the broader scenario that is being outlined by
investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, who has been consistently on top of
this story and who has recently been interviewed on mainstream Russian TV.
He claims that the vaccine, which will be used in a mandatory vaccination
campaign to be launched after the WHO would declare a Level 6 Pandemic, will
trigger a mutation of the H1N1 virus which will make it deadly, and against
which there is no remedy. I attach Wayne Madsen's newsflow, which is by
subscription only. Please honour his work by subscribing (USD30 per year).
June 18, 2009 -- Hybrid A/H1N1 flu tied to genetic trigger for larger,
mutated version
WMR previously reported on the genetic manipulation of the 1918 flu from
tissue extracted from an Inuit woman who died from the pandemic in Alaska.
On May 6, WMR reported: "WMR has obtained information from biological
researchers that the 1918 Spanish flu genetic sequences were 'manipulated'
in order to effect transmission capability. The current H1N1 virus, called
'swine flu,' is reportedly a combination of two forms of human flu, two
forms of swine flu (North American and Eurasian), and avian or bird flu . .
. Two bio-safety laboratories have been associated with the genetic reverse
engineering of not only A-H1N1, the current 'swine flu' strain, but also the
deadly Ebola virus. They are the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the
National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada."
WMR has now learned from virus researchers that the current A-H1N1 strain
strongly appears tied to vaccinations for the seasonal form on influenza.
The hybrid flu began in countries where seasonal vaccinations are
commonplace and where A-H1N1 did not respond to the normal seasonal flu
vaccination antibody, according to researchers studying the new virus.
What has some researchers alarmed is that the engineers of A-H1N1 purposely
planned to make the virus non-responsive to any available vaccine. There is
also a suspicion by researchers that the A-H1N1 vaccine under development
will trigger a more deadly mutated form of the virus for which the A-H1N1
vaccine will be ineffective.
On May 19, WMR reported: "What researchers have told us is that as long as
the current AH1N1 can infect humans, it will not try to mutate. Even though
there have been deaths from AH1N1, most of those infected are sick for up to
four days, take Tamiflu or similar drugs, and recover with immunity from the
hybrid or 'novel' virus . . . However, with vaccinations, the AH1N1 virus
will, of course, be rejected by human hosts and cases around the world will
decrease. However, then, the virus will begin to mutate in order to
successfully infect human hosts. And when that happens, the new,
newly-mutated virus will become much more transmissible and more pathogenic.
The nightmare scenario is that the new, mutated virus may take on the
characteristics of H5N1 or the avian flu. The vaccines administered for
AH1N1 will be ineffective against the new strain of H5N1 and the world may
face a more deadlier pandemic then the current AH1N1 outbreak. There are
scientists at WHO who are aware of this scenario but their alarm has been
suppressed by political and economic considerations."
Public health officials in Brazil are now reporting that the A/H1N1 virus is
now in the process of mutating, confirming our earlier reports. A new
variant of the pandemic virus is showing up in patients in Brazil making
treatment more difficult.
On May 13, 2009, WMR reported: "Because of the rapid mutation of the virus
and the fact that, unlike 1918, rapid global transportation is now the norm,
scientists are predicting that the molecular clock of the A/H1N1 virus,
coupled with modern transportation, means that almost all the countries of
the world will experience an A/H1N1 outbreak within the next few months."
The prediction about the rate of global infection is being borne out by
reports of the virus now being reported in many more nations, including
South Africa, Yemen, Qatar, India, and Morocco, as well as uncontained
surges in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Utah, and Argentina.
In another suspicious turn of events, Ivorian national Konan Yao, a former
researcher at the Winnipeg laboratory that has been involved in A/H1N1
research and who was arrested by the FBI at the U.S. border crossing on May
5 trying to sneak 22 vials of Ebola and HIV genetic material into the United
States for his new job at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda,
Maryland, near Washington, DC, was given his post-plea bargain sentence in
federal court in Grand Forks, North Dakota late last month: 17 days in
prison which equated to time served and a $500 fine. Yao's federal charge
was "failure to present merchandise for inspection," a lesser charge from
the original "attempting to bring biological material into the United States
without a permit." Yao's new job was at the NIH's Biodefense Research
Laboratory. The federal prosecutor who cut the plea deal with Yao is Lynn
Jordheim, the Assistant U.S. Attorney in Fargo, who also happens to be the
U.S. Attorney's office representative on the Anti-terrorism Advisory Council
(ATAC) and Crisis Management Coordinator for the federal jurisdiction and,
more intriguing, the "Confidential Human Source Coordinator."
May 19-20, 2009 -- H1N1 synthetic flu may be test run for H5N1 avian flu
On May 13, 2009, WMR reported the following regarding the synthetic A/H1N1
influenza pandemic:
"WMR has learned from an A/H1N1 researcher that the current "novel" flu
strain is mutating rapidly in humans but no animals have contracted the
virus. The enzyme in A/H1N1, as with all influenza A viruses, is called a
polymerase. Scientists have calculated the molecular clock of A/H1N1 form
the virus's polymerase rate. Because of the rapid mutation of the virus and
the fact that, unlike 1918, rapid global transportation is now the norm,
scientists are predicting that the molecular clock of the A/H1N1 virus,
coupled with modern transportation, means that almost all the countries of
the world will experience an A/H1N1 outbreak within the next few months."
The World Health Organization (WHO), after indicating it was prepared to
raise the AH1N1 pandemic flu alert to Level 6, the agency's highest alert
level,. has now succumbed to political pressure from Britain, Japan, China,
and other nations led by corporate-beholden governments to keep the alert
level at Level 5. The nations opposed to a Level 6 level argue that H1N1
should not be considered by the rate at which it is spreading but by deadly
it is. WMR has also learned that New York's Public Health Commissioner, Dr.
Thomas Frieden, has been downplaying the threat from H1N1, even though the
flu has claimed the life of an assistant principal of a public school in
Queens. Ominously, the Obama administration has named Frieden to be the
administrator of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta.
Political considerations by the White House, Gracie Mansion, and WHO
headquarters in Geneva are overshadowing what could be a more deadly
follow-on pandemic, according to an influenza research scientist who has
been in contact with WMR.
The AH1N1 virus has infected some 100 students in Kobe, Japan. Many of the
students have no history of traveling abroad. There are plans underway to
begin a mass vaccination against AH1N1. However, there are misgivings in the
international research community about administering an AH1N1 vaccine.
The fear is that once a vaccination against AH1N1 is started, the virus will
re-assort itself into a hybrid H1N1/H5N1 strain or mutate into a new H5N1
strain. The current AH1N1 strain, as previously reported by WMR, contains
synthetically gene spliced strains of two forms of human flu viruses, two
forms of swine flu viruses, and a single form of avian flu virus.
What researchers have told us is that as long as the current AH1N1 can
infect humans, it will not try to mutate. Even though there have been deaths
from AH1N1, most of those infected are sick for up to four days, take
Tamiflu or similar drugs, and recover with immunity from the hybrid or
"novel" virus. The vaccination program will be a profit maker for such Big
Pharma firms as Sanofi-Aventis, GlaxoSmithKline and Baxter International.
However, with vaccinations, the AH1N1 virus will, of course, be rejected by
human hosts and cases around the world will decrease. However, then, the
virus will begin to mutate in order to successfully infect human hosts. And
when that happens, the new, newly-mutated virus will become much more
transmissible and more pathogenic.
The nightmare scenario is that the new, mutated virus may take on the
characteristics of H5N1 or the avian flu. The vaccines administered for
AH1N1 will be ineffective against the new strain of H5N1 and the world may
face a more deadlier pandemic then the current AH1N1 outbreak. There are
scientists at WHO who are aware of this scenario but their alarm has been
suppressed by political and economic considerations.
Our May 13 item stated: "scientists are predicting that the molecular clock
of the A/H1N1 virus, coupled with modern transportation, means that almost
all the countries of the world will experience an A/H1N1 outbreak within the
next few months."
That prediction appears to be correct. Since May 13, AH1N1 cases have spread
to Japan, India, Chile, Turkey, Cuba, Ecuador, Ireland, and Thailand. The
flu has also spread from southern China to Beijing.
May 13-14, 2009 -- SPECIAL REPORT. The history of the synthetic H1N1 flu
virus and a not-so-rosy future
The history of the extraction of the genetic material from the corpses of
victims of the 1918 Spanish influenza virus who were buried in Arctic
permafrost is part "X-Files" and part "Jurassic Park." After an unsuccessful
1951 mission, that involved U.S. biological warfare specialists, to extract
1918 Spanish flu genetic material in 1951 from a cemetery in the Inupiat
Eskimo village of Brevig Mission, Alaska, scientists made another attempt, a
successful one it turns out, in 1997. Dr. Johan Hultin, from the State
University of Iowa, successfully extracted genetic material from the corpse
of an obese thirty-something female who died from the Spanish flu in 1918,
along with 85 percent of Brevig Mission's (called Teller Mission in 1918)
villagers in a single week. The pandemic killed at least 50 million people
around the world.
Once the Spanish flu genetic material was obtained from the lungs, spleen,
liver, and heart of the Eskimo woman's corpse, scientists, in a scene
reminiscent of the fictional movie "Jurassic Park," in which genetic
material from extinct dinosaurs is used to bring the creatures back to life,
recreated the long-since dead 1918 Spanish flu in a U.S.-government funded
laboratory. The woman's organs were cut into one-inch cubes and shipped to
the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Rockville, Maryland where the
virus's genetic RNA material was identified and the 1918 Spanish flu was
successfully brought back to life.
The search for the frozen bodies of 1918 flu victims was not limited to
Alaska. Another team of scientists, acting like Dr. Frankenstein's "Igor,"
set out to dig up the graves of miners who died from the flu in the remote
Norwegian mining village of Longyearbyen in Spitsbergen, which lies north of
the Arctic Circle.
WMR has learned from a research scientist who has been working on the
recreation of the 1918 flu that the genetic material has been re-engineered
to synthetically create what is now known as the A/H1N1 virus, or as the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) calls it, the "novel flu."
The A/H1N1 influenza, which contains genetic material from two strains of
swine flu, two strains of human flu, and a single strain of avian flu, has,
according to the World Health Organization (WHO), infected a total of 4880
people in North America: 2,059 in Mexico; 2,535 in the United States, and
286 in Canada. There have been 56 reported deaths from the flu in Mexico,
three in the United States, and one in Canada.
WMR has learned from an A/H1N1 researcher that the current "novel" flu
strain is mutating rapidly in humans but no animals have contracted the
virus. The enzyme in A/H1N1, as with all influenza A viruses, is called a
polymerase. Scientists have calculated the molecular clock of A/H1N1 form
the virus's polymerase rate. Because of the rapid mutation of the virus and
the fact that, unlike 1918, rapid global transportation is now the norm,
scientists are predicting that the molecular clock of the A/H1N1 virus,
coupled with modern transportation, means that almost all the countries of
the world will experience an A/H1N1 outbreak within the next few months.
What is different about A/H1N1 is that, unlike other new strains of viruses
that rapidly mutate upon emerging and then slow down mutation and then stop
entirely, the "novel" or incorrectly-named "swine flu" is showing no signs
yet of slowing down its mutation rate and that, according to scientists who
worry about A/H1N1 being synthetically-generated, does not happen in nature.
In 2006, at a summit meeting in Cancun, Mexico, President George W. Bush,
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Mexican President Vicente Fox
agreed for their nations to coordinate their response to avian flu, which
was spreading in Asia. National Public Radio, on April 2, 2006, ran a
segment on how bird flu wreaked havoc in 1918 in Brevig Mission. NPR's
Weekend Edition ran a report from Brevig Mission by Lori Townsend of Alaska
Public Radio:
"The grave has been opened twice by the same pathologist. In 1951, Johann
Hultin convinced village elders to allow him to take tissue samples from
bodies buried in permafrost. His lab attempts to map the virus were
unsuccessful, but he returned in 1997, and when he did, he was once again
given permission to re-open the grave."
WMR has learned from a journalist from Anchorage who covered the 1997 grave
exhumation that there was CIA personnel with the team of scientists. Inuit
elders of Brevig Mission argued against digging up the graves of the flu
victims would release evil spirits. However, money allegedly changed hands
between the U.S. government research team and some of the elders, so
permission to dig up the graves was granted.
NPR and Alaska Public Radio was reporting what was extracted from the 1918
flu victim's corpse was the H5N1 avian flu virus, but that was erroneous. Or
was it? If what was extracted from the dead woman's body in Brevig Mission
was used to synthetically create the current A/H1N1 virus, there is a strain
of avian flu in the virus. But the current A/H1N1 virus also contains swine
and human flu strains.
What has been relayed by the researcher is that the original 1918 virus was
the H1N1 virus. In Bio-safety level 3 (BSL-s) laboratory work that was
largely classified, the virus was artifically combined with common H3N2 and
a minor gene splice from the H5N1 Eurasian avian flu strain.
The avian flu or H5N1 virus that struck Asia in 2006 contained some genetic
mutations of the 1918 virus. And scientists researching pandemic flu strains
have, since the recreation of the 1918 flu, been playing fast and loose with
flu samples. On April, 17, 2005, The Washington Post reported that Meridian
Bioscience, which was under contract to the College of American
Pathologists, accidentally distributed the pandemic H2N2/Japan flu strain,
as part of a flu testing kit, to influenza laboratories around the world.
WHO ordered the labs to immediately destroy the flu sample because it was
worried about an accidental release of the pandemic virus, resulting in a
global health crisis. In 1957, H2N2 killed a million people around the
The Post'sarticle, by Wendy Orent, states that scientists were working to
create an artificial strain of the 1918 virus: "[Scientists] can combine
some 1918 genes either with laboratory strains that have been adapted to
grow in mice, which don't normally catch human flu, or with ordinary human
flu strains to yield new artificial strains. Then the researcher infects
mice with his new strain. Strains using three of the 1918 genes are already
known to kill mice."
The same Postarticle quotes Peter B. Jahrling, the chief scientist at the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, about the danger of
the virus recreation research. Jahrling stated the research was like
"looking for a gas leak with a lighted match." The article continues: "What
concerns Jahrling and Brown, among others, is that experiments involving
1918 genes are not being carried out under the highest biosafety level,
BSL-4. While most of the scientists use what is known as BSL-3 plus, or
enhanced, conditions, they do not use space suits, chemical showers or
gas-tight cabinets in their work."
Lastly, the article has a stark warning regarding the 1918 flu
reconstruction at the military laboratory in Rockville, research led by Dr.
Jeffery Taubenberger. The article states: "Even more disturbing is what may
happen when Taubenberger publishes the remaining three gene sequences. Then
the entire 1918 flu could be built from scratch by anyone, anywhere, who has
sufficient resources and skill. It is quite conceivable that resurrected
1918 flu could someday be used as a bioterrorist agent."
In a January 29, 2006, New York Times article by Jamie Shreeve, titled "Why
Revive a Deadly Flu Virus?," it is reported that the 1918 flu had been
successfully revived. The article states: "In October, a team of scientists,
[CDC's Terrence] Tumpey among them, announced that they had recreated the
extinct organism from its genetic code -- essentially the scenario played
out in the movie ''Jurassic Park,'' albeit on a microbial scale. In the
movie, the scientists' self-serving revivification of dinosaurs leads to
mayhem and death . . . . How dangerous is the 1918 virus to today's
population? Its genetic code is now in public databases, where other
researchers can download it to conduct experiments. Scientists from the
University of Wisconsin and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada
have already collaborated to reconstruct the virus from the publicly
available sequence. How easy would it be for a bioterrorist to exploit the
same information for malevolent ends?"
The article details how the 1918 genetic material was extracted and who
worked on the project: "The resurrection of the 1918 influenzavirus was a
team effort engaging the resources of the C.D.C. in Atlanta, an obscure
military pathology lab outside Washington, D.C., an esteemed group of
influenza experts at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and one
elderly Swede. Though the story has been told before, it is impossible not
to begin with the Swede. In 1950, Johan Hultin, then a 25-year-old graduate
student at the University of Iowa, was searching for a Ph.D. topic when he
heard a visiting virologist say that the only way to solve the mystery of
the 1918 pandemic would be to recover the virus from a victim who had been
buried in permafrost."
There has been yet another secretive U.S. government group involved in
researching bio-warfare agents like influenza. Known simply as JASON, the
group consists of civilian scientists, the top experts in their fields and a
number of Nobel laureates, who meet periodically and issue reports, many of
which are classified. JASON has been in existence for 40 years and is
thought to be a follow-on to the Manhattan Project, the top secret
scientific group that created the atomic bomb during World War II. In fact,
some of JASON's earliest members helped to design both the atomic and
hydrogen bombs. Its first three members were scientists at Los Alamos
National Laboratory, the home of the Manhattan Project.
Operating under the aegis of the MITRE Corporation, a federally-funded
contracting entity, JASON scientists primarily met in the highly-secured
Building 29 at 3550 General Atomics Court in San Diego. The location is the
address of the Torrey Pines Institute. Funded by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA), JASON also has links, according to
distribution lists on JASON reports, to the CIA. The CIA maintains an
element called the IC [Intelligence Community] JASON Program under the Chief
Technical Officer. Traditionally, JASON self-selects its members from a
number of academic disciplines. However, JASON almost lost its funding a few
years ago, when, after issuing a report critical of the Bush
administration's ballistic missile defense program, DARPA attempted to force
three new members, obviously political overseers, on to the JASON membership
rolls. DARPA's chief Tony Tether pulled funding for JASON, forcing the group
for the first time since its inception in 1959 to look for another Pentagon
sponsor. The ballistic missile defense program, also called Star Wars II,
was a personal pet project of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
JASON survived when DARPA's parent orgzniation, the Pentagon's Directorate
for Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E), provided JASON with direct
funding, an indication of the power enjoyed by the secretive JASON
organization. JASON also has other federal government sponsors, including
the Department of Energy.
JASON is also very much involved in issues of biological warfare. JASON
produced a report on Civilian Biodefense in January 2000,
<> which was
highly-redacted when released. Even the names of the report's authors and
the information on four bio-warfare scenarios is completely blacked out,
except for a discussion of a 1947 smallpox incident in Scenario Two. The
report also states that the CIA's Clandestine Measurement and Signatures
Intelligence (MASINT) Operations Center and Counter-Proliferation Center
were interested in biological weapons intelligence collection and
signatures. A section of the report on "Managing Civilian Response" to a
bio-war attack is also completely redacted, as is a section on domestic
intelligence. A page on the anthrax threat references "psychological BW
[biological weapons] warfare." The JASON report was completed almost two
years before anthrax attacks all but suspended the work of Congress after
9/11 and saw the quick passage of the US Patriot Act.
The JASON report also discusses the mining of medical data, including
patient billing records, to find out if a disease outbreak has occurred and
how far and what direction it is spreading by examining "spatiotemporal
patterns," including "averaging statistics for humans traveling globally."
In fact, the JASON Civilian Biodefense report mirrors, in many respects, the
analysis being currently conducted by medical intelligence (MEDINT) agencies
around the world on the outbreak and spread of A/H1N1. And that begs the
question: is A/H1N1, artificially-developed by U.S. government scientists,
the real thing or a test run for something much worse?
The Jason report on bio-war discusses "managing civilian response." That
also appears be a major concern of the CDC on A/H1N1 at the present time
judging from the following internal CDC memo obtained by WMR (note that
"swine flu" is being referred to as the "novel H1N1 flu"):
From: CDC Announcements
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:31 AM
Subject: Public Inquires Regarding Novel H1N1 Flu - CDC-INFO
Public Inquires Regarding Novel H1N1 Flu - CDC-INFO
The CDC National Contact Center, CDC-INFO, is available to assist CDC
programs in responding to calls and emails related to the novel H1N1 flu.
CDC-INFO maintains current content for phone and email responses; maintains
records of calls/emails; collects and analyzes quality assurance and
customer satisfaction data; and provides on-demand reports for program
If the general public is contacting you with questions related to the novel
H1N1 outbreak, we encourage you to direct those inquires you receive to
CDC-INFO. CDC-INFO representatives are available to respond to inquiries 24
hours, 7 days a week via email and phone, in English and Spanish. Emails
should be forwarded to Telephone inquiries may be routed
to 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636).
If you have any questions regarding this email, or for assistance in routing
public inquiries, please contact
CDC-INFO's Novel H1N1 Flu Response
Since April 22, 2009, CDC-INFO has answered more than 29,000 phone and email
inquiries from the general public and health care professionals in support
of CDC's novel H1N1 flu response. As of Friday, May 8, 2009, the average
hold time for phone calls related to novel H1N1 flu was less than 5 seconds.
To date, the states with the highest number of phone inquiries are:
California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Georgia.
On Thursday, April 30, 2009, CDC-INFO answered the highest number of
inquiries on a single topic in its 4-year history, with 3,127 calls and
emails answered related to the novel H1N1 outbreak.
As of May 5, 2009, 75 percent of survey respondents gave CDC-INFO their
highest satisfaction rating for the novel H1N1 flu-related services they
Supporting CDC's Mission
The CDC-INFO National Contact Center (1800-CDC-INFO or
supports CDC's mission by providing a single trusted source of accurate,
timely, consistent, and science-based information for the general public,
healthcare providers and public health partners. Information is available
on more than 400 CDC health and safety topics, disease prevention, and
health promotion information through phone, TTY, and email. CDC-INFO
provides critical health information to vulnerable populations, including
those without access to CDC's internet resources or those with low health
May 6, 2009 -- More evidence emerges that H1N1 was engineered in "Jurassic
Park" bio-labs
Informed sources have revealed to WMR that the H1N1 virus, which the World
Health Organization (WHO) has warned could become a global pandemic, was
reverse engineered from genetic material obtained from the remains of
victims of the deadly 1918 "Spanish flu" influenza pandemic that killed 50
million people worldwide.
WMR has obtained information from biological researchers that the 1918
Spanish flu genetic sequences were "manipulated" in order to effect
transmission capability. The current H1N1 virus, called "swine flu," is
reportedly a combination of two forms of human flu, two forms of swine flu
(North American and Eurasian), and avian or bird flu. There are now reports
of species hopping from humans to pigs in Canada.
The scientific name for the current H1N1 virus that was manipulated is
"Influenza A virus (strain A/Brevig Mission/1/1918 H1N1)." It is called
Brevig Mission because, as WMR previously reported, U.S. Army biological
warfare specialists recovered the genetic material from the fairly intact
corpse of an Inuit woman who died from the 1918 flu in Brevig Mission,
Alaska. WMR has learned that work on manipulation of the Brevig Mission flu
strain began in 1997.
Two bio-safety laboratories have been associated with the genetic reverse
engineering of not only A-H1N1, the current "swine flu" strain, but also the
deadly Ebola virus. They are the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the
National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada. The Associated Press
reported on September 20, 2007, that the Madison laboratory was cited for
safety violations: "University of Wisconsin-Madison research on the deadly
Ebola virus was conducted for a year in a less-secure laboratory than
required, until the National Institutes of Health alerted the school to the
problem. The deadly virus itself was never present in the laboratory, said
Jan Klein, UW-Madison biological safety officer. Instead, DNA copies of the
virus were being studied to better understand one of the world's most
dangerous pathogens."
The report also stated that the Madison research facility was involved with
combining "materials": "Klein said no one was ever at risk, though an
infectious virus could have been produced if the research material had been
combined with other components. But that was not part of any planned
experiment and would not be done by accident,' she said."
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reportedly shut down the Ebola
research at Madison but it was reportedly moved to a Level 4 Bio-Safety
Laboratory at the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Canadian Science
Center for Human and Animal Health in Winnipeg, Manitoba. In 2007, macaque
monkeys were infected with the 1981 flu virus at the Canadian laboratory by
some of the same researchers who were involved in the risky Ebola research
in Madison.
The research in Madison on Ebola had been conducted in a Bio Safety Level 2
laboratory when it should have been conducted in a Bio Safety Level 4
laboratory, the most stringent for pathogens like Ebola and H1N1. At the
time of the safety violations, Madison has less stringent Level 3 labs but
no Level 4 labs. In early 2008, Madison again conducted work on Ebola, but
in a Level 4 lab.
Science Daily reported the following from Madison on October 7, 2004: "Using
a gene resurrected from the virus that caused the 1918 Spanish influenza
pandemic, recorded history's most lethal outbreak of infectious disease,
scientists have found that a single gene may have been responsible for the
devastating virulence of the virus."
The Winnipeg laboratory figures into the November 15, 2001 disappearance of
noted Harvard University virologist Dr. Don C. Wiley in Memphis, Tennessee
after his attendance at a banquet honoring his service as a scientific
advisory board member of St. Jude's Hospital. Wiley's body was found one
month later in the Mississippi River in Vidalia, Louisiana. The Shelby
County medical examiner ruled Wiley's death a "suicide" from jumping into
the Mississippi River from the west bound lane of the I-40 Hernando de Soto
bridge. Wiley was heading back to his father's residence in Millington,
northeast of Memphis at the time of his disappearance.
This editor reported on the Wiley death extensively at the time. And the
Canadian facility became involved in the investigation. From "Mystery in
Memphis," published in "Abuse Your Illusions, 2003, edited by Russ Kick:
"While the Memphis Police and the FBI continued to handle the Wiley case as
just another distraught "jumper" hurling himself 135 feet into the
Mississippi River, other law enforcement agencies were not as sanguine.
On November30 [2001], [Memphis Police Sergeant Robert 'Bubba' Shemwell
received a call from Detective Paul McKemmie of the National Security
Investigation Unit of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Ottawa.
McKemmie advised Shemwell that his unit was responsible for protecting
scientists with Level-3 and Level-4 clearance at the Canadian Science Center
for Human and Animal Health in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The Canadian center houses the National Microbiology Laboratory, where
scientists deal with the most dangerous and contagious human and animal
pathogens and diseases, which are categorized as Level-4. These include
hantavirus, hepatitis, influenza, and hemorrhagic fevers such as the Ebola
virus, Marburg virus, and Lassa Fever. In another hghly-protected
laboratory, scientists work with Level-3 agents, which include bacteria such
as anthrax that, although not contagious, can be transmitted through the air
and can cause death or serious illness. The center's tight security is
overseen by the RCMP and Canadian Security and Intelligence Service.
McKemmie told Shemwell that someone had posted an email suggesting that Dr.
Wiley was not the target for a kidnapping to obtain anthrax but that a
scientist working at the Winnipeg laboratory was a more likely target for a
kidnapping by bioterrorists.
Nevertheless, the RCMP wanted to know if Memphis hadany information that
would indicate that Wiley was the target for an abduction by terrorists.
Shockingly, Shemwell fed te RCMP the same line he was feeding the Wiley
family and the media: There was no evidence to support the theory that
Wiley's disappearance was the result of foul play and that suggestions to
the contrary were being mentioned only in the media.
Obviously, not buying Shemwell's line, the Mountie indicated that the RCMP,
like the FBI, also would continue to monitor Wiley's disappearance and check
out any leads from Canada."
The idea that Wiley's body could have been in the fast-raging Mississippi
for a month seems fanciful. When his body was discovered in Louisiana,
Wiley's clothing was intact. Recovered from Wiley's clothing were his watch,
wedding band, belt, wallet, and even a piece of hard candy that managed not
have dissolved after an entire month in water.
Wiley co-wrote a paper on the structures of H5 avian flu and H9 swine flu
that was published in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences in
September 18, 2001, just some two months before he went missing in Memphis.
However, Wiley's expertise on the 1918 influenza was longstanding. In 1981,
Wiley co-wrote a paper, titled "X-ray structures of H5 avian and H9 swine
influenza virus hemagglutinins bound to avian and human receptor analogs,"
that defined the crystal structure of the 1918 influenza virus, a step that
made it easier to conduct "forensic" analysis on the origin of precursor
viruses and their naturally-occurring or man-made genetic off-shoots.
Although virology, not bacteriology, was Wiley's area of expertise, it was
revealed during my investigation of Wiley's death that he had become quite
concerned about the mailing of anthrax through the postal system. A week
before his disappearance, Wiley attended a session on "Bioethics and
Research" at a meeting of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy
Chase, Maryland. At the time of the conference, four people had already been
killed from being exposed to anthrax-laden letters sent through the mail. It
was later discovered that the anthrax originated from the U.S. Army Medical
Research Institute for Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Wiley had also received a letter from a failed PhD student at University
College in Dublin, Ireland that sought to warn him about the origins of
anthrax. In October 2001, a series of "white powder" samples were discovered
at University College. Irish Army specialists transferred all the samples to
Britain's Porton Down bio-warfare facility, the UK's equivalent of Fort
Based on Dr. Wiley's expertise in tracking down the origins of viruses and,
with his speciality in crystallization of samples, bacteria like anthrax, as
well, it is clear that whoever is benefiting from the outbreak of a A-H1N1
flu that has been resurrected and genetically "manipulated" in a "Jurassic
Park" laboratory had a very good reason to murder Dr. Wiley and make it
appear to be a suicide.
April 25-26, 2009 -- SPECIAL BULLETIN. New swine flu feared to be weaponized
According to two mainstream media journalists, one in Mexico City and the
other in Jakarta, who spoke to WMR on background, they are convinced that
the current outbreak of a new strain of swine flu in Mexico and some parts
of the United States is the result of the introduction of a human-engineered
pathogen that could result in a widespread global pandemic, with potentially
catastrophic consequences for domestic and international travel and
The journalists have been told by top officials of the United Nations and
the World Health Organization (WHO) about the grave dangers posed by the new
and deadly swine flu strain, known as A-H1N1. The flu, never before seen by
scientists, has already killed up to 68 people in Mexico and has forced the
cancellation of public events, including sports matches and concerts, and
the closure of schools, libraries, and museums. Eight cases have been
reported in Texas and California and one Texas family is already under a
quarantine. Doctors are examining several students at a Queens high school
in New York who displayed symptoms similar to those experienced by swine flu
patients in Mexico.
Our Mexico City source said a top scientist for the United Nations, who has
examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as
HIV/AIDS victims, concluded that H1N1 possesses certain transmission
"vectors" that suggest that new flu strain has been genetically-manufactured
as a military biological warfare weapon. The UN expert believes that Ebola,
HIV/AIDS, and the current A-H1N1 swine flu virus are biological warfare
Past swine flu outbreaks have been spread from pigs to humans, who then
passed the flu on to other humans. However, with A-H1N1, there have been no
reported infections of pigs. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), A-H1N1 has gene segments from North American
swine, bird and human flu strains and a segment from Eurasian swine flu.
Costa Rica, Brazil, and Peru have issued alerts to check all incoming
passengers from Mexico at border crossings, airports, and seaports for
symptoms of the swine flu.
WHO is convening an emergency session of its top medical experts in Geneva
and is set to declare H1N1 a "public health event of international concern."
It is reported that WHO will recommend travel restrictions to and from areas
where the flu has been reported, including Mexico City and the states of
Mexico, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí and Oaxaca.
Our Jakarta source said WHO officials are afraid that the presence of gene
segments from dreaded H5N1 bird flu in the A-H1N1 swine flu strain could
mean that the new swine flu strain was engineered to "jump species." WMR has
been informed that the CDC and U.S. Army dug up the body of an Inuit woman
who died in 1918 in Brevig Mission, Alaska from an outbreak of Spanish flu.
The influenza pandemic that year killed up to 100 million people worldwide
in an 18-month period. Brevig Mission saw 72 of its 80 residents die within
five days, the worst case recorded anywhere in the world. WMR has been told
the genetic material recovered by the U.S. government from the corpse of the
Inuit woman provided the basis for the development of the H5N1, or bird
(avian), flu strain at the U.S. Army Medical Institute of Infectious
Diseases (USAMRIID) laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, the point of
origin for the Ames strain of anthrax used in the 2001 bio-war attacks
against the U.S. Congress and the media.
The fear in Asia is that if the A-H1N1 pandemic spreads to the United
States, travel to and from the country will be all but shut down.
The following are the symptoms associated with A-H1N1:
* cough
* fever
* sore throat
* shortness of breath
* muscle and joint pain
The drugs Tamiflu and Relenza are seen as the most effective against A-H1N1.
On 8 March 2005, the Canadian Press quotes a military intelligence report
warning that bird flu could be weaponized
Avian flu could be used as weapon: report
Military intelligence report warns
by Helen Branswell, Canadian Press, Mar 8, 2005
TORONTO (CP) - The military's intelligence arm has warned the federal
government that avian influenza could be used as a weapon of bioterrorism, a
heavily censored report suggests. It also reveals that military planners
believe a naturally occurring flu pandemic may be imminent. The report,
entitled Recent Human Outbreaks of Avian Influenza and Potential Biological
Warfare Implications, was obtained under the Access to Information Act by
The Canadian Press. It was prepared by the J2 Directorate of Strategic
Intelligence, a secretive branch of National Defence charged with producing
intelligence for the government.
The report outlines in broad terms the methods that could be used to develop
a manmade strain of influenza capable of triggering a human flu pandemic. It
notes a method called "passaging," while not entirely predictable, could be
a "potentially highly effective" way to push a virus to develop virulence.
"Such forced antigenic shifts could be attempted in a biological weapons
program," says the 15-page report, dated Dec. 8, 2004. Passaging involves
the repeated cycling of strains of a virus through generations of a species
of animals or through cell culture. The process can be used to either
ratchet up or dial down the virulence of a virus, depending on which of the
ensuing offspring - the mild or the severe - are selected in each cycle for
the next passage.
There is debate in the community of infectious disease experts whether
influenza would make a good bioterrorism agent. For one thing, once
released, the virus would not discriminate between friend or foe. Terrorists
and their supporters would be as likely to fall ill and die as those they
hoped to target.
But if the ultimate goal is panic, social disruption and economic losses,
influenza would be a good choice, says Dr. Brian Ward, a virologist at
McGill University in Montreal. "To me it's one of the most logical viruses
to use. It doesn't have to be a really bad one to throw a huge wrench," Ward
said. "I mean, if you want to hurt the world's economy, that's an awfully
good way."
Canada estimates the direct and indirect health-care costs alone of a mild
flu pandemic would range from $10 billion to $24 billion. That doesn't start
to count societal costs such as lost productivity because of mass illness or
the impact on vulnerable industries such as airlines and tourism or the
insurance sector that would be hit with business losses and death claims.
But influenza expert Dr. Earl Brown suggests that while flu makes a good
theoretical bioterror agent, the reality of these "delicate" viruses is that
the task would be harder than it appears. "Flu is a wimpy virus, which I
think is the one knock against it. It doesn't persist in the environment
(outside a human) very long," says Brown, a University of Ottawa scientist
who specializes in the evolution of influenza viruses. "You have to infect
people sort of straight away, otherwise it's going to die sitting around the
Brown, who has done expensive work on reassorting or mating flu viruses,
says any virus bred to spread would have to meet several key criteria: it
would need to jump the species barrier and have the ability both to transmit
easily and cause severe disease if it did. "If you want to see chaos and
mayhem and you're not concerned about the backlash, then you just have to
get to the biology. And right now nobody can do it," Brown says. "There's a
good chance that you'd make something that just would burn out. It just
wouldn't spread very well."
The report also raises the spectre of a pandemic strain engineered in a
laboratory using reverse genetics. That technically challenging process
allows scientists to custom tailor a flu virus, taking genes from a virulent
but not highly transmissible strain, for instance, and melding them with
genes from a virus that transmits well from person to person.
The report notes this is a technique scientists have been using to try to
decipher why the virus that caused the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 was so
deadly. That pandemic, which may have claimed upwards of 50 million lives
worldwide, was the worst in known history. "It is feared that this process
could be copied . . . to produce a human viral strain similar to the
1918-1919 pandemic," the report says.
It also theorizes that a naturally occurring pandemic may be imminent,
unless rigorous measures are taken to contain the spread of the H5N1 avian
flu strain that has been responsible for more than 45 deaths in Southeast
Asia in the last 14 months. The report says factors such as the region's
inability to eradicate the virus and influenza's propensity to mutate
rapidly "raises the possibility that a novel strain capable of efficient
human-to-human transmission may arise in the near future, threatening
Canadian operations worldwide."
That the H1N1 virus may have been developed in the laboratory has been
claimed by a leading Australian virologist, Adrian Gibbs, who has worked on
the development of Tamiflu. His claim is being investigated by the WHO and
has been reported in the mainstream press. the western elites are discussing plans to reduce the world's
population has been acknowledged in the mainstream press, like this recent
article by the London Times (May 25, 2009), and others
On May 30, a major French Newspaper, Le Journal du Dimanche, reported about
secret plans by the Sarkozy government to prepare for the mandatory mass
vaccination of the entire French population, despite the fact that,
according to recent FDA admissions, the test now prematurely released to
verify the existence of a H1N1 infection is not actually proven.
Obama also appears to have been strangely prescient of a need for mass
vaccination. Look at his economic stimulus package in February: should also remember that George Shultz, Donald Rumsfeld and others are
going to profit handsomely from this pandemic as they are sitting on the
Board of Directors of Gilead, the company that owns the patents to Tamiflu.
smakers%2Ffortune_rumsfeld%2F&partnerID=2200 US advocacy group, Citizens for a Legitimate Government, closely follows
the story on the increasing militarization of public health, pointing out
that Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt has declared a
series of public health emergencies to limit the legal liability of the drug
companies due to an increased risk of a bioterrorism attack that is supposed
to continue through to 2015. you can do, besides keeping informed and spreading the news