Monday, 8 June 2009


>> MONDAY, JUNE 08, 2009

Just listened to Tony Wright of the Labour Party on 5Live claiming that Gordon Brown's position has been strengthened after last night results. Amazing to hear him get away with this. Still, I guess there won't be too many empty bottles of champagne strewn across the corridors in Broadcasting House this morning. The party is over.


Well, not a great night for socialism, was it? And the BBC are not happy campers. I listened to an orchestrated onslaught against the UKIP here and the Conservatives at 7.34am. Osbourne got a real doing from Humphyrs. It appears that once again we have an election result in which there are no winners. The other BBC meme being pushed remorselessly is that the BNP is "extreme right". It's not. It is hard-left but because this is an inconvenient truth to the BBC champagne swilling socialists, it is turned around and re-presented as being extreme-right. The BBC's idea of "centre-right" is the likes of the Euro-fanatical socialist EPP group. Having watched BBC election coverage last night and then listened to it this morning, I am so grateful that we have better choices to glean information these days - particularly the net. But this makes the continued imposition of the license tax unbearable when the bias is so evident! Tired after the late night but thanks to those who came across to the Liveblog!

Bias Never Pays in the end

Last night was a great example of where deceitful politicking gets you, yet so far the BBC have learnt little. Today they report that "The BNP won more than 120,139 votes in the Yorkshire region, slightly less than in 2004". This detail obscures the fact that their share of the vote increased (which they don't mention). It's the wishful thinking that finds this kind of reporting satisfying, and fails to represent the political issue fairly, which has given the Labour-sympathising, Toynbee-Alibai-Brown promoting BBC the bad name it has, and contributed to the rise of the BNP for saying "what you will never hear" on the BBC.

Thanks to the commenters who reported on BBC bias through the evening. Thecomment thread makes interesting reading.

Open Thread

>> SUNDAY, JUNE 07, 2009

This is where you can discuss any BBC-related issue that concerns you.


Just to let B-BBC readers know that I will be liveblogging the Euro-election results over on my home site, A Tangled Web, kicking off at 9pm. It should prove to be most interesting and high entertainment value. You are all cordially invited over! PS. Did you see that Charlie Falconer has now joined the Geek chorus urging Gordoom to go!!!


I recommend you read Jonny Dymonds' totally impartial and non-biased view of the European Union here.