The BBC Russian Service has a long piece on its website in which the forthcoming European elections and possible results are analyzed as only the BBC knows how. Actually, by their standards it is not too bad with only about half a dozen really egregious errors. In December last, we wrote of Britain's final humiliation as our troops were kicked out of Iraq. We were wrong about it being the "final" humiliation. Maliki had another one up his sleeve.Thursday, June 04, 2009
Ministry of Defeat
There is an election today, but that is a minor event. This is the day my book,Ministry of Defeat is officially published, something of a personal landmark, as it is my first "solo" hardback.
Available from Amazon and all good bookshops, the launch press release is over on Defence of the Realm. Already, the BBC has refused to cover it, as have most (but not all) major newspapers. They, having failed effectively to cover the occupation, are now complicit in pretending the defeat never happened.
We expect, therefore – as Booker and I did with The Great Deception to have to rely on word of mouth and the internet, proving once again that, if you divert from the path which the media dictates, you are largely on your own. Nevertheless, I am confident that the truth will out.
COMMENT THREADA wonderful title
But the title had a very special appeal, because this is precisely what we on this blog are hoping for: Выборы в европарламент: триумф апатии и скептицизма?
Elections to the European Parliament: a triumph of apathy and scepticism?
Well, let us hope so.Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Another humiliation
More on Defence of the Realm.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
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Britannia Radio