For all those who think nothing can be worse than what we are experiencing in this country (actually, can anything be funnier than the politics of the last couple of days?), here is a little reminder of what happened twenty years ago: The BBC Russian Service has a long piece on its website in which the forthcoming European elections and possible results are analyzed as only the BBC knows how. Actually, by their standards it is not too bad with only about half a dozen really egregious errors.Thursday, June 04, 2009
As clear as …?
An explanation from Tamzin Lightsabre of the Conservative Party policy on the Lisbon referendum should have us all rushing out to vote.
Mr Hague, we are told, could not be clearer. He has gone to exhaustive lengths to explain what he means when he says he can't say whether or not he will say what he means when he says he can't say what we will do if the Lisbon Treaty passes into law before we get into government, or not. The briefing notes, la Tamazin reveals, makes this absolutely clear:"We will not let matters rest there" is a hypothetical holding answer to the hypothetical question of whether or not we will do something about a situation in the future we want to prevent happening in the first place and as such we can only answer a question pertaining to the opposite turning out to be the case because to do otherwise would be to elaborate on the unknowable.
If people still want to vote UKIP after hearing that, frankly, there's nothing we can do to stop them, says Tamzin.
On reflection, not sure about the voting bit here … after reading that lot, one very quickly loses the will to live.
COMMENT THREADLet us not forget
COMMENT THREADMinistry of Defeat
There is an election today, but that is a minor event. This is the day my book,Ministry of Defeat is officially published, something of a personal landmark, as it is my first "solo" hardback.
Available from Amazon and all good bookshops, the launch press release is over on Defence of the Realm. Already, the BBC has refused to cover it, as have most (but not all) major newspapers. They, having failed effectively to cover the occupation, are now complicit in pretending the defeat never happened.
We expect, therefore – as Booker and I did with The Great Deception to have to rely on word of mouth and the internet, proving once again that, if you divert from the path which the media dictates, you are largely on your own. Nevertheless, I am confident that the truth will out.
COMMENT THREADA wonderful title
But the title had a very special appeal, because this is precisely what we on this blog are hoping for: Выборы в европарламент: триумф апатии и скептицизма?
Elections to the European Parliament: a triumph of apathy and scepticism?
Well, let us hope so.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Tiananmen Square June 4, 1989
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Britannia Radio