Thursday, June 04, 2009
US: N. Korean Nuclear/Missile Tests Not Terrorism
Ahmadinejad Calls Holocaust 'Big Deception'

Only one day before U.S. President Obama's speech to "the Muslim World," its rising, nuclear-armed leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, again denied the Holocaust and lashed out at Israel.
The Iranian President on Wednesday called the Holocaust a "big deception."
He also accused the world's liberal democracies of degrading "human values" with their pro-Israel policies, according to quotes carried by the news website of Iranian state television.
"The identity of the liberal democracy has been exposed to the world by its protection of the most criminal regime in the history of humanity, the Zionist regime, by using the big deception of the Holocaust," Ahmadinejad said. "There is no doubt that the only way to replace the liberal thought is to go back to the teachings of the divine prophets."
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
9/11 Families Charge Obama Administration with Allowing Top Saudi Royals to Escape Accountability

On the day that President Obama held his first summit with Saudi Arabian King Abdullah in Riyadh, the 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism charged that recent actions by his administration would enable five of the king's closest relatives to escape accountability for their role in financing and materially supporting the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
In response to the administration's action, the 9/11 families released allegations made in 2002 of the Saudi royal family's sponsorship and support of Al Qaeda that the families believe have been ignored by the Obama Administration.
On May 29, the president's top lawyer before the Supreme Court, Solicitor General Elena Kagan, filed a brief arguing that it would be "unwarranted" for the Supreme Court to even hear cases brought by the 9/11 families charging that five Saudi princes knowingly and intentionally provided financial support to al Qaeda waging war on America.
By urging the high court to not review lower court decisions dismissing these cases, the Obama Administration took the side of the Saudi princes over thousands of family members and survivors of the 9/11 attacks seeking justice and accountability in U.S. courts.
Betrayal of Fundamental Right
"This is a betrayal of our fundamentally American right to have our day in court," said Mike Low of Batesville, Ark., father of Sara Low, an American Airlines flight attendant who died on board Flight 11. "It sacrifices the principles of justice, transparency, accountability and security, which our case embodies, in order to accommodate the political pleadings of a foreign government on behalf of a handful of members of its monarchy."
"With this filing, the Obama Administration has constructed a convoluted legal rationale to justify a political decision to curry favor with the Saudi royal family," said Ron Motley, counsel for the 9/11 families. "However, the legal straw house they built collapses with the faintest breeze of logic, legal analysis, or common sense."
"We trust that the Supreme Court, after it has reviewed the law, the facts and the evidence, will reject the Obama Administration's wrongheaded opinion and agree to give the 9/11 family members the day in court they deserve," Motley said.
Saudi Princes FInanced Al Qaeda
To illustrate both the injustice of the Obama Administration's Supreme Court filing and the many holes in its legal reasoning, the family members released the specific allegations they originally made on what the princes did to provide financial and material support to Osama Binladen, Al Qaeda and the Taliban in the years and months leading up to September 11, 2001.
Specifically, the families' lawsuit alleges that:
Prince Turki al Faisal al Saud, past head of Saudi intelligence, coordinated Saudi financial and logistical support for Al Qaeda, Osama Binladen and the Taliban. In July 1998, Prince Turki brokered an agreement between these parties in which the Saudis provided Al Qaeda and the Taliban with generous financial assistance in exchange for a pledge by Binladen and the Taliban that Al Qaeda would not attack the Saudi royal family.
Prince Mohamed al Faisal al Saud headed the Islamic bank Dar al Maal al Islami, which provided global financial services and financing to Al Qaeda and Osama Binladen.
Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz al Saud, whose responsibilities included overseeing Islamic charitable funding in Saudi Arabia, funded Al Qaeda through personal contributions to Islamic charities known to support Binladen and his terrorist organization.
Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz al Saud, who has long supported Palestinian suicide bombers, provided pay-off money to Al Qaeda. His oversight of Al Qaeda front charity al Haramain allowed it to support Binladen and Al Qaeda unabated.
Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz al Saud has a long history of funding Islamic extremists through his work as chairman of the General Donation Committee for Afghanistan. In this capacity, Prince Salman made substantial personal contributions to al Qaeda front charities with the full knowledge the charities were misappropriating funds and involved in terrorist activities.
In the face of these allegations, Motley charged that the legal flaws in the Obama Administration's filing are all the more egregious.
Islamist Iran's Nuclear-Armed Communist/Atheist Ally Will Try Innocent American Reporters While President Obama Addresses 'the Muslim World'

As previously reported by China Confidential, North Korea will try two innocent American reporters--who were captured on Chinese territory and dragged across the border into the Communist hell-hole--on the day that U.S. President Barack Obama addresses Muslim nations, including North Korea's nuclear-arming, Islamist ally, iran, from Egypt.
Click here for the story, and here for Henry Kissinger's brilliant commentary on the Obama administration's "leisurely" response to North Korea's nuclear and missile tests.
Effects of Obama Appeasement Already Evident
A Briton kidnapped in Africa has been beheaded by al Qaeda terrorists demanding the release of radical cleric Abu Qatada from jail.
Tourist Edwin Dyer, 60, was abducted four months ago close to the border between Niger and Mali while on a trip to a music festival and cultural centre dedicated to the nomadic Tuareg people.
Al Qaeda's North African wing said on its website: “The British captive was killed so that he, and with him the British state, may taste a tiny portion of what innocent Muslims taste every day.”
It said disbelievers would be “smitten in the neck”. The news came as President Barack Obama began a tour of the Middle East.
Obama's Great Game

Influenced in part by the geopolitical theories of former President Jimmy Carter and his National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski--the men who betrayed Iran's modernizing monarch, the Shah, in order to curry favor with the country's mad mullahs, and launched the secret war in Afghanistan on the side of jihadists in order to hasten the collapse of the Soviet Union--an overly confident Obama administration is repeating history by playing a dangerous game with the Islamist devil.
The administration's game recalls efforts by the United States and Great Britain, dating to the 1950s and 1880s, respectively, to manipulate and exploit right-wing political Islam. Britain unsuccessfully tried to forge a pan-Islamic alliance against imperial Russia for control of Central Asia in the era of the Great Game; Britain and the U.S. unsuccessful;y backed the Muslim Brotherhood against Nasser and left-leaning Egyptian nationalists.
The Obama administration is taking the game at an entirely new level, way above the rim of traditional--or rational--U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy. Imagine if FDR had sought toengage Hitler....
Abandoning Israel, undermining Egypt's aging, authoritarian but secular President Hosni Mubarak, the Obama administration is aiming for an alliance, or Grand Bargain, with nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran, its Islamist proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah, and supposedly moderate Islamist groups and factions, including the Muslim Brotherhood and allegedly reconcilable elements of the Taliban, in order to pacify the Middle East and prevent Pakistan's nuclear arsenal from falling into the hands of Al Qaeda. Pakistan's partition along ethnic lines--with key areas under Iranian dominance--is one of the contingency plans presently under consideration by the Obama administration, which is coordinating its moves with Saudi Arabia. The family business disguised as a country hopes Obama can sufficiently appease Iran to keep it from crossing the nuclear threshold. The Saudi King, like the American President, is resigned to Iran's emergence as a regional hegemon.
The Saudis simply want to stay in business/power, producing oil, minting petrodollars, increasing profit margins as the price of crude increases in the coming years owing to global economic recovery and carbon cap-and-tax policies that will make all energy supplies more expensive.
Contrary to its public pronouncements, the Obama administration regards Israel as more of a liability rather than an asset, Egypt as another Iran, and Mubarak as the next Shah. His time is over. The U.S. media onslaught against him has just begun; it will intensify, orchestrated by the White House in tandem with overtures to the Muslim Brotherhood.
There is for the time being only one Islamist power that is beyond the pale of engagement in the administration's eyes--Al Qaeda. But the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot, which slaughtered some 3,000 Americans nearly eight years ago on 9/11, understands the U.S. game plan. Hence, the double threats by Al Qaeda's top two leaders seeking to upstage President Obama's grand experiment in global political theater. Reuters reports:
Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, in an audio recording aired on Wednesday by Al Jazeera television, said Obama had planted the seeds of "revenge and hatred" towards the United States in the Muslim world and he warned Americans to prepare for the consequences.
A day earlier, the militant network's second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahri urged Egyptians not to be seduced by Obama's 'polished words' when he makes a major address in Cairo seeking to repair ties with the Muslim world.
POSTSCRIPT: Obama chose Egypt over Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, for his speech for at least three reasons: (1) Egypt is the historical heart of the Arab world; (2) Obama wants to signal support for Egyptian Islamists ahead of their overthrow of Mubarak; and (3) an Indonesian venue would have focused too much U.S. media attention on Obama's childhood in the country, where he attended mosque services with his Indonesian, Muslim stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, who registered Obama for school as an Indonesian Muslim under the name Barry Soetoro.