Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Trial Focuses Attention on Powerful Triads
North Korea Preparing Missile Launches
Obama Plays With Words While Iran Plays for Time
America's appeaser-in-chief is insulting the intelligence of everyone with even the most basic understanding of international relations and foreign policy.
After promising "direct diplomacy" and "tough, principled diplomacy" with nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran, Barack Hussein Obama is now vowing to press home "tough diplomacy." This, from a man who bows to foreign tyrants.
Click here for the AP report.Conflicting Assessments of Rogue Missile Threats
The best U.S. estimate--a 90% chance of intercepting missiles from North Korea or Iran--is not all that comforting.
Reuters reports:U.S. ground-based interceptor missiles stand a better-than-90-percent chance of thwarting a "rogue nation" ballistic missile attack on the United States in the next five years, the second highest-ranking military officer told Congress on Tuesday.
Giving the most bullish military assessment to date on the Boeing Co-managed system's capabilities, Marine Corps Gen. James Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, replied "ninety percent plus" when asked the odds of thwarting a long-range missile that could be fired by North Korea.
Cartwright was responding to a question from Senate Armed Services Committee member Evan Bayh, an Indiana Democrat, about what he would tell President Barack Obama about the chances of defeating such a long-range missile attack.
In follow-up remarks, he said his 90 percent-confidence level reflected the limited threat foreseeable for the next two to five years from countries like North Korea and Iran, including the number of missiles they could fire in a "salvo."
By contrast, Charles McQueary, who retired as the Pentagon's top independent testing official last month, said in a report in December -- four years after the Ground-based Midcourse system (GMD) was deployed for the first time -- that "GMD flight testing to date will not support a high degree of confidence in its limited capabilities."
Continue here.
Left out of the story: the U.S. has no defense against a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile fired from a cargo ship, either at a coastal city, or in order to detonate a warhead at high altitude in an electromagnetic pulse attack that would plunge the country into darkness for decades and result in millions of deaths. Iran and North Korea have cooperated in developing sea-launched missile systems--concealed in cargo containers--and have successfully test-fired missiles from ships that could be deployed under flags of convenience.A Real Turning Point in Iran?
The political unrest in nuclear-arming Iran--the largest since 1979--may or may not be a turning point in terms that would matter to the non-Islamist world. The relative reform candidate, whose election victory seems to have been stolen, believes in Iran's Islamist (clerical fascist) system.
A real turning point will come when tens of thousands of Iranians take to the streets to demand an end to the monstrous mullahocracy--death to theocracy, down with the turbaned tyranny.
Ironically, that would probably depress and disappoint America's first Muslim President (by birth and embrace of essential Islamist concepts, as shown by his awful address to "the Muslim world"). Barack Obama's entire Middle East policy is based on engaging (code for appeasing) and actually aligning with supposed Islamist moderates, including Iranian clerics, Hamas, Hezbollah, and allegedly "reconcilable" elements of the medieval Taliban. In Obama's eyes, the only Islamists that are off limits for engagement are those who belong to or are associated with Al Qaeda and its affiliates.
His idiotic ideas are backed by an unholy alliance of advisers, from the anti-Israel Cold Warrior, Zbigniew Brzezinski, architect of America's intervention in Afghanistan on the side of jihadists, to certain left-wing Democrats, who also believe that right-wing political Islam can somehow be managed or exploited, certainly accommodated.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Obama and his advisers are opposed to regime change in Iran. A secular republic or constitutional monarchy would threaten Saudi Arabia's dysfunctional royal family and derail Obama's drive toward a Grand Bargain with Islamist Iran for pacification (and possible partition) of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Similarly, the Obama administration would strongly oppose a military coup or other event that would push Turkey's crypto-Islamist government from power.
Obama's embrace of so-called moderate Islamism (akin to moderate Naziism) is highlighted by his sickening support for Muslim headscarves and veils and extolling of a stupid myth--that Islam is inherently tolerant and peaceful.
In other words, he is not only America's first Muslim President; he is the first pro-Islamist President. His worst nightmares would be mass marches and rallies in Iran against Islamic law and repression, and an abrupt end to the Islamizing trend in Turkey and Syria. Obama's ultimate dream: tens of thousands of Egyptians marching for "Islamic democracy" under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood ... while thousands of Muslim women demonstrate in France for expanded headscarf rights that undermine the country's democratic, secular system ... on the same day that the European Union accepts Islamist Turkey as a member (thereby accelerating the Muslim/Islamist conquest of Europe).
That people who call themselves progressive support Obama's outreach to the world's most reactionary, repressive, and imperialist regimes and ideology is beyond belief. Not since the Hitler-Stalin pact have left-wingers been so hypnotized and hypocritical. That a majority of American Jewish voters chose Obama over a proven, trusted friend of Israel and the Jewish people--John McCain--who also happens to be a genuine American hero and patriot--is even more unbelievable. In fact, it is downright disgraceful. This American Jewish reporter predicts that Jewish support for Obama will be remembered as one of the most perfidious, self-hating and potentially suicidal phenomena in the history of the Jewish people. Jewish backing for Obama is worse than a shandah; it is boosha v'cherpa.The Art of Appeasement: a Pattern Emerges
As reported yesterday, the United States will confront, but not board, suspect North Korean ships.
Next: learning to live with, but never accept, Iranian nuclear weapons.
No kidding. Live with, but never accept, is the Brzezinski formula, which the Obama administration is by definition implementing: its engagement (appeasement) policy is providing the mullahocracy with sufficient time to cross the nuclear threshold.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Click here for the story. Chinese criminal gangs, known as triads, are joining forces with corrupt businessmen and government officials.
China Confidential analysts in Tokyo say North Korea is preparing to launch two long-range rockets ahead of a nuclear test that is likely to be conducted on July 4.
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Britannia Radio