*Favourite read he says was Mudslingers: The Twenty-five Dirtiest Political Campaigns of All TimeTUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2009
+++ Tom Watson Resigning, Guido Will Miss Him +++
So many rats are leaving the government ship it is in danger of toppling over. Tom Watson, the Minister for Mudslinging*, who was named in the one of the Smeargate emails from McBride to Draper, will be particularly missed. He is cherished by strategists at CCHQ. If it wasn’t for him the Labour Party would not have swapped a triple-election winning political genius for a voter repelling, election avoiding, malevolent weirdo. They should, if they could find enough scrap brass, put a statue of him outside the entrance to Tory HQ on Millbank. Watson also saw off Stephen Carter, someone brought in from outside the Brown circle to bring a wider media savvy perspective, in doing so he probably killed the last hope of sanity in the Downing Street bunker. Watson of course organised the coup which failed but fatally undermined Blair. It is to Tom Watson whom more thinking Tories raise a toast for the tactical and strategic disasters that have plagued the Brown premiership. On a personal note, Guido would like to pay tribute to Tom for his antics and attempts to struggle unsuccessfully against the Guidoisation of politics. Watson will now have more time with his family and Play-Station, no doubt his blog will also improve with him out of government…