Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Collective suicide
Ann Treneman certainly does not like him, and she is not alone. Regarded as a turncoat, barely tolerated by his own side despised by many outside Parliament who have had dealings with him, John Bercow is the new Speaker, the 157th to hold that office.
Writes Trenemen, "In the end, the most irritating man won. Even in victory, John Ber-Cow, as even he calls himself, provoked disharmony." Ber-Cow had been the anti-Tory Tory and, because of that, he was the one that the Labour Party wanted.
When the result was announced, on the dot of 8.30pm, after six hours and three ballots, Labour MPs erupted in a deafening clatter of applause — a rare sound in the chamber — and an instant standing ovation. Across the way, Tories, the winner in their midst, sat on their hands and bums, we are told (although that is not what the picture shows).
At a time when Parliament is at its lowest ebb, with MPs regarded with contempt by the bulk of the populace, there was a need for a principled, non-partisan figure who could restore the flagging fortunes of the institution. Labour MPs, however, could not lift their aspirations above that of the gutter and they chose Bercow, relying on their inbuilt majority to force through their choice.
Seen as Labour MPs' revenge for ousting Speaker Michael Martin, by installing in his place a maverick Tory hated by his own party, furious Tory backbenchers are now threatening to challenge his right to stay in the chair after the next election.
This is not a man who carried with him the confidence or support of the House. With his campaign run by Labour MPs and backed by senior Cabinet ministers, he is not the man who will restore Parliament. Bolstered by Labour MPs, the institution has, in effect, committed collective suicide.
It is unlikely that it can now find its way back.
Monday, June 22, 2009
You couldn't make it up Part 5,697
From the Lords Hansard a Written Question by Lord Pearson of Rannoch and HMG's response:
To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the European Union's Court of Auditors has been able to ratify the European Union's accounts for the past 14 years; and, if not, why the European Union is permitted to propose regulation for the City of London. [HL4086]I trust that makes everyone a great deal happier.
The Financial Services Secretary to the Treasury (Lord Myners): The European Court of Auditors (ECA) has regularly given a positive statement of assurance on the reliability of the EC accounts. The UK Government are pleased that, for the first time, the ECA's report on the 2007 EC Budget gives an unqualified positive statement of assurance on these accounts.
It is disappointing that for the 14th year in succession the ECA was unable to give a positive opinion on the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions for the majority of EC Budget expenditure. Nevertheless, it is encouraging that the percentage of Budget expenditure that has been given a positive opinion has been increasing, currently 40 per cent, up from 35 per cent in 2005 and only 6 per cent in 2003.
Under the treaty the Commission proposes draft legislation for the single market in financial services which applies to the City and financial institutions across Europe.