It is starting- Charges of dual loyalty
NB – In order to weaken American support for Israel and its current government, President Obama is playing the dual loyalty card.
This can be used to silence fearful Jews.
That has worked in the past, recall relative American Jewish silence during the Holocaust.
Other than Ben Hecht and members of the Bergson group, US Jews were silent for fear of being charged with “dual loyalty” as millions of their brethren went to their deaths.
Now the administration will use this same canard to kowtow American Jews.
Question: Will the Obama administration charge Christian Zionists/Evangelicals with “dual loyalty”?
That was an old charge against American Catholics and their relationship with the Pope.
More importantly, will President Obama admit his own dual loyalty to the Islamic world and the United States? His actions, especially with regard to the Middle East, and the on-going Arab/Muslim war against the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, have shown his biases.
Lest anyone forget – World Jewry and the Jewish state of Israel are inexorably intertwined and linked like a Havdalah (end of Sabbath) candle. Try to unravel the candle and the entire candle is destroyed. To love one’s mother and one’s father is not a matter of “dual loyalty.” For many Jews, Israel is their mother, and the US is their father. So prepare yourself for such charges and the questions that you should ask in reply.
Dr. Steve Carol
Prof. of History (retired)
Associate Producer & Official Historian -
Middle East Radio Forum
Middle East consultant -
Salem Radio Network News
American Pressure is relentless by Ted Belman Israpundit, June 11, 2009
If you read through Obama’s Cairo speech again, as I did, you will see numerous references to peace being in American’s interest. Here’s one example, “And it’s in the interest of the United States that we’ve got two states living side by side in peace and security.” It didn’t strike me before, but Obama is telling Jewish Americans that to side with Israel in this dispute is to be anti-American. He is forcing them to choose between being loyal to America and being loyal to Israel. He is playing the dual loyalty card.