Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


North Korea Threatens US with 'Merciless' Attack

The Obama administration says it will "never accept" North Korea as a nuclear state. But the meaning is clear as mud in light of the administration's tacit acceptance of Zbigniew Brzezinski's potentially catastrophic live-with-but-never-accept formula for North Korea's nuclear-arming, Islamist ally, Iran. 

In the meantime, North Korea today escalated its war of words with the United States and its allies. 

"If the U.S. and its followers infringe upon our republic's sovereignty even a bit, our military and people will launch a 100- or 1,000-fold retaliation with merciless military strike," the North's state-run Minju Joson newspaper vowed in a commentary.

China Confidential analysts believe the North is itching for a fight. The dynamic that it has unleashed could lead to a full-blown conflict that could include a nuclear strike by the North on a South Korean target. 

North Korea perceives the United States as weak--with the means but without the political will to crush the Stalinist/Kimist regime. Pyongyang's political and military leaders believe they can escalate in stages, even to the point of delivering devastating blows to the South without necessarily triggering a truly massive retaliation by the U.S. Short of actually attacking U.S. troops or Japan with nuclear arms, the North seems confident that it can avoid nuclear counterattack by Washington. 

Not for nothing, as the Russians used to say, has the North renounced the Korean War armistice....


Sham Election Indicates Iran's Top Turbaned Tyrant May be Puppet of the Maniac-in-Chief

As of this writing, new protests are planned....

Reporting from Tehran, BBC correspondent John Leyne observes:

It's quite clear that there are enormous disputes going on behind the scenes. But the people who run this country are not stupid, there are some quite smart people, even loyalists to [President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad, and they must realise how much deeper they are digging themselves into this mess everyday.

But at the moment, quite inexplicably, the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei seems to be quite in thrall to Mr Ahmadinejad, it's almost as if he's taking his orders from him. He usually stays above the fray and interestingly he's still not been seen in public since the election.

Click here for the explanation: the mullahocracy has morphed into a military dictatorship. Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps are in charge.

That the maniac-in-chief and the men with the guns are also Islamist zealots--Shiite fanatics with apocalyptic visions and fantasies--should cause Americans to question their government's decision to engage (appease) the nuclear-arming regime. Iran's foreign policy is imperialist; like Nazi Germany before the Second World War, Iran intends to overthrow the status quo, regionally and globally. A regime like that can't be appeased. 

Instead of preventing war with Iran, appeasement will make war inevitable--on Iran's terms.


Boundless Bias: Israel Punished for Peace Efforts

Click here for a must read editorial in today's edition of The New York Daily News. 

"The negative responses to Netanyahu's outstretched hand show how dangerously and successfully the Palestinians have waged the propaganda war to portray Israel as an oppressor rather than the target of a relentless campaign to wipe it off the map," the newspaper says.


IAEA Chief Says Iran Wants Nuclear Option

Outgoing International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei says Iran wants nuclear weapons technology in order to become a major power that the United States won't "mess with." Click here for the story.


Greek Anti-Terror Cop Shot Dead by ELA

A radical left-wing group is escalating its terrorist campaign in Greece. Click here for the report.