Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Abandoned by America, Iranians are Massacred
One hopes that there are regular army commanders with the courage and convictions to join the people and fight against the Basij militia and, most important, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, on which the regime rests. Prediction: should a miracle occur, should military men with guns fight for the liberation of Iran, President Obama will speak out in defense of the civil rights of the ... mullahs. Should Ayatollah Khamenei, the so-called Supreme Leader, end up swinging from a lamppost, Obama's first instinct will be to urge an end to violence.
Click on the video below. The woman being interviewed tells CNN:I was going towards Baharestan with my friend. This was everyone, not just supporters of one candidate or another. All of my friends, they were going to Baharestan to express our opposition to these killings and demanding freedom. The black-clad police stopped everyone. They emptied the buses that were taking people there and let the private cars go on. We went on until Ferdowsi then all of a sudden some 500 people with clubs came out of [undecipherable] mosque and they started beating everyone. They tried to beat everyone on [undecipherable] bridge and throwing them off of the bridge. And everyone also on the sidewalks. They beat a woman so savagely that she was drenched in blood and her husband, he fainted. They were beating people like hell. It was a massacre. They were trying to beat people so they would die. they were cursing and saying very bad words to everyone. This was exactly a massacre... I don't know how to describe it."
Will Obama Reward Iran and Punish Israel?
Will President Obama reward Iran's Hitlerian, turbaned tyranny with legitimizing, pointless talks while pressuring Israel to withdraw to the "Auschwitz lines," as the late Israeli foreign minister, Abba Eban, referred to the country's pre-1967 boundaries?
Probably. Obama is bent on appeasing and aligning with Islamist Iran. His letter ahead of the country's rigged elections to the country's supreme (clerical fascist) leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, speaks volumes.
Obama's U.S. Republican Party critics are all wrong: he is neither a man of the Old Left nor a man of the New Left. Obama is a product of the New New Left, which, like the radical Right, believes it can ride the Islamist tiger without been eaten by it in order to bring down capitalism and radically reshape society and reorder the planet.
Perfidy! Marx himself would vomit. The champions of the American labor movement who gave their lives for workers' rights would vomit. Joe Hill would spit on Obama's outreach to the killers in clerical garb and their bloodthirsty thugs and goons....
Contrary to Obama's spin, the struggle for freedom in Iran is not a movement for civil rights within the Islamist system, Martin Luther King might have said had he lived to see this day. To compare the two struggles confers legitimacy--only in need of restoration--on the monstrous mullahocracy that must be swept away like so much garbage.
But Obama disagrees. He is more comfortable "engaging" Iranian Islamists than speaking out and acting in defense of those seeking to overthrow the Islamist regime and replace it with a secular democracy. He instinctively feels more at home with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood than with its secular President, Hosni Mubarak--an aging relic bound for the dustbin of history in the view of the Obama White House. The President of the United States is more apt to defend the wearing of Islamic headscarves in French public schools (which is thankfully banned), than to support the countless innocent women who have been enslaved, beaten, stoned and slaughtered by Islamists and Muslim fundamentalists and supremacists, more likely to validate and give currency to islamist lies and myths than to praise the Judeo-Christian heritage on which America was founded and which has guided its political and cultural development since Independence.
The defeat of the Hezbollah-dominated coalition in recent Lebanese elections happened in spite--not because--of Obama and his team.
As for Israel--the only democracy in the Middle East--it is a thorn in the side of both the Islamists and the Obama administration. In his first five months in office, the elected official who is supposed to be the leader of the free world has effectively acted like an enemy of the Jewish State and the region's genuine democracy-seekers.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
As of this writing, the Obama administration has yet to withdraw its invitation to Iranian diplomats--representatives of the mass-murdering, nuclear-arming, clerical fascist regime that Washington seeks to "engage"--to July 4 Independence Day parties at U.S. embassies around the world.
Posted by Britannia Radio at 19:06