Thursday, 25 June 2009

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Thursday, June 25, 2009
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Hope and Change in Iran
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
China: No Tweeps Here
(Regular Folks United)
Ahmadinejad Woman Problem
(Independent Women's Forum)
Doing business with Iran
(Center for Security Policy)
Obama and the Rogues
(Center for a Just Society)
Understanding Obama on Iran
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
VIDEO: Where Is Obama? GOP Lawmakers Press Obama to Take Tougher Stance on Iran, George Will Calls Attacks "Foolish Criticism"
(The ConservativeXpress)
Shooting in Tehran
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
Inflexible Idealism vs. Inflexible Realism
(Ashbrook Center)
The June 12 Revolution
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
It's not right time to discuss OPCON transfer
(Heritage Foundation)
Sunday Morning in Iran, A Letter from Mousavi' s Office
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
Lebanon May Have Missed Going Iran's Way
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
So NOW What' s Going on in Iran?
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
VIDEO: Exclusive-Obama's Newest Statement On Iran Protests "We respect Iran's sovereignty, but we also are witnessing peaceful demonstrations"
(The ConservativeXpress)
Breaking old patterns: With North Korea, despite UN resolve, it will be hard
(WORLD Magazine)
Pakistan, the Land of Many Talibans
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
Fox Business Host Warns $5-Gallon Gas if Iranian Tension Persists
(Business & Media Institute)
Obama Administration Must Speak Out Against Iran's Clenched Fist
(Heritage Foundation)
Pakistan: Land of Unintended Consequences
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
Soviet Islamism?
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
Obama's High Commissioner
(Center for Security Policy)
Iran, the President and the News
(Ashbrook Center)
Man, it's hard to figure out what's going on in Iran ...
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
Obama's losing streak and Israel
(Center for Security Policy)