Who disengaged the auto-pilot on doomed Air France plane?
DEBKAfile Special Report
June 9, 2009, 1:25 PM (GMT+02:00)

Brazilian divers pull Air France tail fin out of ocean
After the recovery of 24 bodies, some personal possessions and large sections of the doomed Air France A330, there is still no understanding of what happened aboard the craft in the few short minutes before the crash when its automated monitoring systems transmitted a series of 24 error messages indicating the shutdown of critical systems.
As long as the fog surrounding the tragedy remains impenetrable, a man-made disaster cannot be ruled out. Both the French defense minister and Pentagon have said there were no signs that terrorism was involved in the crash. This was short of an outright denial. But some experts are not excluding a terrorist attack.
Read more about this in DEBKAfile Special Report below.
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Fears in Beirut of Hizballah coup after its election defeat
DEBKAfile Special Report
June 8, 2009, 4:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

Saad Hariri triumphant in Beirut
Early Monday, June 8, Saad Hariri announced his 14 March bloc had retained its parliamentary majority of 70 out of 128 seats in Sunday's Lebanese election. A politician close to the Hizballah-led March 8 coalition, which is supported by Syria and Iran, admitted defeat. Both spoke as the votes were still being counted.
DEBKAfile's Middle East sources report Hizballah, although tipped to win, is reported in Beirut to have a backup plan ready to seize power if defeated at the ballot-box. Loss of Lebanon is a major setback for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's chances in Iran's presidential vote Friday.