US Rejects Bush's Promise; MA’ALEH ADUMIM, BETAR ILLIT, ARIEL & GUSH ETZION ARE ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu ( Published: 06/06/09, 11:33 PM
Ex-Defense Minister Arens: 'We Must Build Up Settlements' Sivan 13, 5769, 05 June 09 11:46
( Ex-Defense and Foreign Minister Professor Moshe Arens says, "We must strengthen the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria even beyond their natural growth rates."
The soft-spoken former Technion professor of aeronautical engineering is not happy with U.S. President Barack Obama's new aggressive approach to Israel. "We're not used to receiving orders from others," he told Arutz-7's Hebrew newsmagazine on Thursday. "We are an independent country. We hear what the president says, but we are not at Mt. Sinai where we respond, 'We will do whatever you say.'"
Arens served for six terms as a Knesset Member, was Minister of Defense in four different governments, and was Minister of Foreign Affairs in one. He immigrated to Israel in 1948 from the United States.
Supports More Construction
Arens says that the existing settlement communities in Judea and Samaria must be expanded and strengthened even beyond their rates of "natural growth." "Our settlement in the Land of Israel is the basic right of the Jewish Nation," Arens said, "based not only on the Bible and Jewish history, but on international recognition during the times of the League of Nations and the British Mandate."
"I do not accept the terms of 'natural growth.' We are not living in Judea and Samaria because of our 'natural growth,' but because of our natural rights."
"It is incumbent upon us to strengthen the existing communities," Arens said. "We cannot be like our former prime minister, Ehud Olmert, and like Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni, who deny our natural rights, a basis of Zionism, to live in Judea and Samaria."
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu (
In answer to a question if U.S. President Barack Obama should use financial help as a tool to force Israel to implement the plan, the Foreign Minister stated, "Why not? If you give aid to someone and they indiscriminately occupy other people's lands, you bear some responsibility."
He also made it clear that the only concession the Arab world can make to Israel is diplomatic recognition, meaning that all other terms of the Saudi peace initiative are non-negotiable. "We don't have anything to offer Israel except normalization, and if we put that before the return of Arab land we are giving away the only chip in the hands of Arab countries," he told the news weekly.
The interview was conducted the day after President Obama's speech calling on a "new beginning" in relations between Muslim nations and the U.S.
Foreign Minister al-Faisal said that Israel "must be reasonable and make reasonable concessions." Echoing the Arab demand that the Obama government take concrete steps, he revealed that during the president's visit to Saudi Arabia the day before his Cairo speech, the monarchy told him it wanted to see action.
"But we did not expect him [Obama] to be so specific," the Foreign Minister revealed. "He called Israeli settlements in the West Bank 'not legitimate -- and this is more important, and stronger, than 'not legal.'"
The Saudi Peace Plans calls for the 22-member Arab league to recognize Israel as a country, but not necessarily as a Jewish state, on condition that it surrender all of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, including numerous neighborhoods in Jerusalem and the Old City, where the proposed PA state would be headquartered.
It also wants to allow the immigration to Israel of five million foreign Arabs who claim ancestry in Israel.© Copyright
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From an Israeli perspective, Pres. Barack Obama's speech today in Cairo was deeply disturbing. Both rhetorically and programmatically, Obama's speech was a renunciation of America's strategic alliance with Israel.
Rhetorically, Obama sugar coated the pathologies of the Islamic world — from the tyranny that characterizes its regimes, to the misogyny, xenophobia, Jew hatred, and general intolerance that characterizes its societies. In so doing he made clear that his idea of pressing the restart button with the Islamic world involves erasing the moral distinctions between the Islamic world and the free world.
In contrast, Obama's perverse characterization of Israel — of the sources of its legitimacy and of its behavior — made clear that he shares the Arab world's view that there is something basically illegitimate about the Jewish state.
In 1922 the League of Nations mandated Great Britain to facilitate the reconstitution of the Jewish commonwealth in the Land of Israel on both sides of the Jordan River. The international community's decision to work towards the reestablishment of Jewish sovereignty in Israel owed to its recognition of the Jewish people's legal, historic, and moral rights to our homeland.
Arab propaganda finds this basic and fundamental truth inconvenient. So for the past 60 years, the Arabs have been advancing the fiction that Israel's existence owes solely to European guilt over the Holocaust. As far as the Arabs are concerned, the Jews have no legal, historic, or moral right to what the Arabs see as Islamic land.
In his address, while Obama admonished the Arabs for their pervasive Jew hatred and Holocaust denial, he effectively accepted and legitimized their view that Israel owes its existence to the Holocaust when he said, "the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied," and then went on to talk about the Holocaust.
Just as abominably, Obama compared Israel to Southern slave owners and Palestinians to black slaves in the antebellum south. He used the Arab euphemism "resistance" to discuss Palestinian terrorism, and generally ignored the fact that every Palestinian political faction is also a terrorist organization.
In addition to his morally outrageous characterization of Israel and factually inaccurate account of its foundations, Obama struck out at the Jewish state through the two policies he outlined in his address. His first policy involves coercing Israel into barring all Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria (otherwise known as the West Bank), and Jerusalem.
Obama claims that this policy will increase prospects for peace. But this is untrue. As Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas made clear in his Washington Post interview last week, Obama's trenchant campaign against Jewish construction in these areas has convinced the Palestinians they have no reason to be flexible in their positions towards Israel. Indeed, Obama's assault on Israeli construction and his unsubstantiated, bigoted claim that the presence of Jews in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem impedes progress towards peace ensures that there will be no agreement whatsoever between Israel and the Palestinians.
After all, why would the Palestinians make a deal with Israel when they know that Obama will blame Israel for the absence of a peace agreement?
Even more strategically devastating than his castigation of Israel as the villain in the Arab-Israel conflict is Obama's stated policy towards Iran. In Cairo, Obama offered Iran nuclear energy in exchange for its nuclear-weapons program. This offer has been on the table since 2003 and has been repeatedly rejected by the Iranians. Indeed, they rejected it yet again last week.
Obama must know that his policy will not lead to the hoped for change in Iran's behavior. And since he must know this, the only rational explanation for his decision to adopt a policy he knows will fail is that he is comfortable with the idea of Iran becoming a nuclear power. And this is something that Israel cannot abide by.
The only silver lining for Israelis from the president's speech in Cairo and his general positions on the Middle East is that Obama has overplayed his hand. Far from bending to his will, a large majority of Israelis perceives Obama as a hostile force and has rallied in support of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu against the administration. This public support gives Netanyahu the maneuver room he needs to take the actions that Israel needs
to take to defend against the prospect of a nuclear armed Iran and to assert its national rights and to defend itself against Palestinian terrorists and other Arab and non-Arab anti-Semites who wish it ill.
— Caroline B. Glick is the senior fellow for Middle Eastern affairs at the Center for Security Policy and the senior contributing editor of The Jerusalem Post.
06/04/09 06:06 PM Caroline Glick