18 July 2009 8:06 PM
How long until we abort the old, too?
This is Peter Hitchens' Mail on Sunday column
Are we going to do the same thing to the unwanted old that we do to unwanted babies? That is to say, are we going to kill lots of them off, and pretend that this is just fine?
I think so. The only question is how we will do it, and what we will call it.
Aborted babies are slaughtered by the tens of thousands, solely because they are inconvenient to young, busy people.
Old, ill parents are also going to become a major nuisance to the same generation, very soon indeed. Baby boomers are all secretly terrified that mum or dad will end up wasting away slowly in a care home, rapidly consuming the inheritance.
Could this be why the argument for legalising ‘assisted suicide’ is becoming so strident? We are offered lots of weepy hard cases, where terribly ill people are desperate to die and their relatives insist they should be able to help them without any risk of prosecution.
But the simple question remains. If the people involved are genuinely moved by compassion, what do they have to fear from an investigation and a fair trial? They will be acquitted, even if they are charged.
Only those whose motives are suspect are at any risk.
This is why we are asked to admire the rather creepy suicide pact of Sir Edward and Lady Downes (above), as if it is some sort of act of heroism rather than a sad and squalid snuffing out of life in a Swiss back street.
These hard cases and emotional scenes are the equivalent of the old argument for abortion, that if you didn’t fully legalise it people would go to dangerous amateurs and die horribly. In fact, abortion in dire cases was legalised in 1938 after the famous trial of Dr Aleck Bourne, but that law didn’t offer a free pass to anyone who claimed vaguely that their mental health would be at risk if they carried the baby to term. It required serious evidence.
And as soon as it was replaced by a more liberal law, the present annual massacre began, and continued to grow. The same will happen to the old and unwanted. It will start with a few dozen annual trips to Zurich, urged on by ‘compassionate’ relatives and complaisant doctors. It will end with our hospitals switching on the morphine pump earlier and earlier.
Silence, the only way to salute these heroes
On Tuesday I stood by a road in Oxford and watched as eight coffins were driven past. There were hundreds of others there but, I’m glad to say, no applause. What would it be for? Brave death in combat, death of any kind, is a majestic thing. Applause is for a well-played shot in tennis or cricket, or a good line in a speech, not for death. Silence is the only proper way to acknowledge death.
The heart lurches, unexpectedly hard, at the sight of so much loss, and at the curious contrast between the heat and noise of Afghanistan and the cool summer evening in a green suburb. How they must often have longed to come home to our grey quiet skies, but not like this.
The crowd I saw were the heart of England. Quite a lot of younger people, many from Service families.
A stout contingent of former soldiers in their British Legion berets, who would have been there till midnight if they had to be. Big, quiet blokes in regimental ties. But people of my class and generation, the fiftysomething graduates who are thick on the ground in Oxford, were almost entirely absent, though the place was not hard to find, and it was well after the working day’s end. It’s the graduates who sent the soldiers there, of course.
But it’s generally the others who go. That’s why the stupid war goes on unquestioned, and why politicians, never in our history so ignorant of war, have allowed the debate about whether we should be there at all (we shouldn’t) to dribble away into an argument about helicopters.
Next time, they should lay the coffins on the despatch box in the Commons, right in the faces of the Cabinet and the Shadow Cabinet, and make all the MPs look at what they have done, while they debate their stupid war.
The Minister and the IRA fan club
I can recall members of the International Marxist Group yelling ‘Victory to the IRA!’ on student demonstrations. So I was interested to see stories that the latest Defence Secretary, Bob Ainsworth, was a ‘candidate member’ (they didn’t let just anyone in) of the IMG in 1982 and 1983, when he was 30 years old, not a student.
I think the links between ‘New Labour’ and the revolutionary Marxist Left are extensive, interesting and important. So I asked a ‘spokesperson’ about it. She said: ‘He was never a member.’ Well, that looks like a denial, but isn’t. The story says he was a candidate for membership, not that he was a member.
The source said: ‘A friend who was in the organisation tried to persuade him to join.’ Apparently he went to ‘a couple’ of meetings? Only two, or more? No answer. The source wouldn’t say. The source said he just went because he was open-minded.
So would he have gone to a BNP meeting, being so open-minded? The source: ‘Certainly not.’ Then why go to a meeting of a group that supported the IRA? The spokesperson floundered. Eventually I was sent a written statement asserting that Mr Ainsworth’s brush with the IMG ‘reinforced his firm view that he did not agree with anything they had to say’. If he had such a firm view already, why go once, let alone twice?
When I asked several supplementary questions, the answer was silence. I shall publish the unanswered questions on my blog and continue to press for answers.
Words that will haunt Reid forever
‘Doctor’ John Reid, the ex-Communist former Defence Secretary, is cross about being mocked for saying our troops would leave Afghanistan without a shot being fired. He moans: ‘I never at any stage expressed the hope, expectation, promise or pledge that we would leave Afghanistan without firing a shot.’
Channel 4 News has unearthed his original words, spoken in Kabul on April 23, 2006: ‘We’re in the south to help and protect the Afghan people to reconstruct their economy and democracy. We would be perfectly happy to leave in three years’ time without firing one shot.’ Time’s up. And, given how many people have died, I think ‘Doctor’ Reid has little to complain about.