ALL WITHIN THE RULES. May 11th 2009.
We have paid our taxes for MP’s to pool,
To keep them all working within the rules,
We voted for them, is the fault then ours?
We made them “Honourables” and gave them power
They swore to be true by Oath to their Queen,
Yet for all they did was a “what might have been”.
For behind our backs they signed away,
Our Queen and Country by deceit one day.
They obeyed EU directives, regulations and laws,
Over-ruled our Constitution, never once did they pause,
Was all they did within the rules?
Have they just taken all of us, for fools?
It was from our taxes they made ill gotten gains,
Yet within their rules, I hasten to say.
The people are sovereign though their anger is real,
MP’s had no thought of how the people would feel.
They couldn’t care less as long as they made lots of money.
The people that vote though, thought nothing was funny.
They thought of the soldiers that fought an illegal war,
And in Afghanistan, poor equipment, what was it all for?
Some paid with their lives, too high a price to pay,
For those that sent them, live in luxury each day.
Their Country signed away while they were at war,
Their once sovereign Country, now no more.
Yet without folk paying taxes on a regular basis,
No Member of Parliament would now have red faces,
People were told their sovereignty was pooled,
It was, we were told, well within the rules.
Should “Lisbon” become active, I make clear without doubt,
No fines, no Taxes by us, to be paid out.
Gas and electric are Bills to be paid,
But all tax be deducted and on one side will be saved,
To be paid in full when this Country is free,
And a true British Government works for you and me.
For the third and last time, inspired once more,
By our own Magna Carta be it invoked as before.
Clause 61 will come into its own,
And work once more for the British Crown.
For Magna Carta’s sovereignty cannot be pooled,
It is well within the PEOPLE’S COMMON LAW RULES.
An MP’s Lament. 17.5.2009.
“I made a mistake, I claimed more than I should,
But I’ve paid it back now, surely you knew that I would?”
Those are the words that roll off the tongues
From those that knew what they did was wrong,
Yet t’was not just one person that made ‘a mistake’,
There’s quite a long list of those ‘on the take’.
They can all say “sorry” it’s easy enough,
But repairing the damage is going to be tough,
Reputations now tainted? Beyond repair?
What about Parliament and the damage done there?
Once thought of so highly throughout the world,
Torn now in tatters, as the sad facts are unfurled.
The gravest of all deeds MP’s have done,
Was to ratify that constitutional, Treaty of Lisbon,
Their treachery in this, new history made,
Their deeds have now put “Guy Fawkes” in the shade.
They were paid for “Governing” this great Country of ours,
Yet they gave to foreigners most of their powers.
They ratified Lisbon in the most despicable way,
Denying the people their once promised say.
There is only one thing left to put right that wrong
Withdraw “Lisbon” without a dance and a song,
Let the people decide what they want to be,
In a State of EU, or grant their wish to be free.
We watched while MP’s obeyed alien laws,
Ignoring all ancient, constitutional Treaty’s of ours.
Enforcing EU Laws, subservient for all time,
Yet expenses came from taxes, yours and mine.
All of us British, bound by Oath to our Queen,
Bound by solemn Oath no foreign laws should be seen
Or obeyed in these Isles, think you well what to do,
‘Ere the people decide and make that decision for you.
ALL “AT IT”? 24.5.2009.
Have they ALL been “at it”?
Have they all been ‘on the take’?
Have they only ever been MP’s
So that they could all be on the make?
Two major British Parties,
Political ones, of course,
Transferred this Country’s sovereignty,
Far away from these island’s shores.
Not one had the guts to ever admit,
The treachery they had done,
They continued with their sad charade,
Until their loyalty to ‘Europe’ was won.
They betrayed their fellow countrymen,
Quite deliberately so, it seems,
So where will they expect to live?
In the UK, or in foreign fields?
No intention to be true to their solemn Oath
They made to the Crown, their Queen,
Deceitfully ratifying treacherous Treaties,
To destroy their own Country, it seems.
But the wrath of the people has just started,
Their anger will grow each day.
Magna Carta has lain dormant far too long,
The people will indeed “have their say”.
Have all of them been “at it”?
Isn’t there anyone left we can trust?
A clear out, a clean sweep?
Aye, get rid of them all if we must?
One thing we must remember though,
If M.E.P’s are heading for a fall?
Not one “Eurosceptic” ratified a Treaty,
They don’t want to be “in Europe” at all.
In all of you we placed our trust,
Never doubted you one little bit.
We lost our money that is true.
For too many of YOU were “at it”.
THEY’RE AT IT AGAIN. 28.7.2009.
A law unto themselves, on the right side of it I am sure,
For they have given themselves allowances not even heard about before.
MP’s introduced new rules, though allegedly temporary I can reveal
The new Speaker chaired the Committee that agreed upon the deal,
The anger of the people they have simply once again ignored,
Over nine thousand pounds without a receipt, to carry on, just as before.
They bathed in the wake of public outrage; let it wash all over them,
Some drowned in shame at being found out, but some bobbed up again.
These once highly thought of people, known throughout this world of ours,
Were once admired for their integrity and used carefully those temporary powers,
But with such recent shaming of, ‘snouts in trough’ that rang around the world,
A laughing stock, a mockery as insults at this country, though at them, were hurled.
They would perhaps do well to remember, where all that money comes from.
For if the people withhold their taxes, MP’s wages and expenses will be none.
So little thought for their Country, the governing of it have signed away,
Once again the people were ignored, yet again were not allowed a say.
The people ask, why do we vote when MP’s too, have to obey EU laws like us,
Isn’t that like ‘taking money under false pretences’, giving our money without a fuss?
Are they ‘at it’ again? Can we be classed as encouraging them to flout the rules?
Yet they are the ones still making them and making US OUT TO BE THE FOOLS.