Friday, 10 July 2009
The Banks are unhappy as they were using QE to boost their financial structure for free! The intention had been to loosen up lending!
It would seem that King and the MPC realise that they can take decisions independently at last with no powerful colossus breathing down their necks!
Bank of England indicates an end to quantitative easing
London's money markets were left shuddering yesterday after the Bank of England gave its first firm indication that it is considering bringing an end to its radical programme of quantitative easing (QE).
By Edmund Conway
The Monetary Policy Committee voted not to increase the scale of its programme, in which it is buying massive amounts of Government debt with newly-created money. City economists had expected that with the MPC already close to meeting its £125bn QE target, it would extend the programme to the Treasury-endorsed ceiling of £150bn.
However, the MPC instead voted to leave both QE and its 0.5pc interest rate unchanged. The Bank then confirmed that it would trim the size of the impending reverse auctions in which it buys government bonds to ensure it does not meet the target ahead of the next MPC meeting. [That amounts to an immediate slowing down, though not necessarily a permanent one -cs]
The decision caused one of the biggest leaps in government bond yields since the programme began in March. The benchmark 10-year gilt yield leapt by almost a fifth of a percentage point as traders abandoned UK government debt, fearing that the Bank may soon abandon its purchases of them altogether. The yield was at 3.8pc by the end of the day, while the pound rose by almost one and a half cents against the dollar, closing at $1.6235.
In a statement accompanying the decision, the Bank said it: "expects that the announced programme will take another month to complete. The Committee will review the scale of the programme again at its August meeting, alongside its latest inflation projections."
Although economists said it was rational for the Bank to re-examine the scheme in the light of their new Inflation Report projections, they said the mere fact that it had stopped short of renewing the scheme indicated that it may soon close it.
Michael Saunders of Citigroup said: "If it was already blindingly obvious to the Committee that they will need to extend QE at the August meeting, then they would surely have used some or all of the final £25bn of the £150bn authorised by the Chancellor, hence continuing QE up to the August meeting and getting in as much stimulus as quickly as possible. The fact that they have not done so implies the MPC are in considerable doubt as to whether they will need to extend QE at the August meeting."
It is understood that senior Bank policymakers have come to the increasing conclusion that although deep-seated deflation was a significant threat earlier this year, the weight of monetary stimulus pumped into the economy through interest rate cuts, QE and sterling's depreciation will serve to prevent a deflation trap. The decision underlines the likelihood that at some point in the coming year attention will turn instead to so-called exit strategies from QE, which could involve selling off some of the gilts or raising borrowing costs.
However, Dominic Bryant of BNP Paribas said: "Ultimately, having played a good game since March when QE was announced, the Bank has scored an own goal at its July meeting. It disappointed expectations... it has also increased uncertainty about the level of the Bank's commitment to QE generally."
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Britannia Radio