BIBLICAL POETRY By Evelyn Hayes "Hard Labor; They Attack our Children Again," by Evelyn Hayes, author of The Plague Series, because their hearts were softened to accept the unacceptable Rosh Chodesh Av July 22, 2009 The Jews chose His Higher Laws. Abraham chose to be unlike every other nation and he had followers out of the hell of Sodom and Gemorrah, the crematories of Europe, the politics of appeasement, the turnspeak of unsettlement He chose HASHEM, the Creator, and bereishit, it was good and better and better. Today it is very very good, the immorality of treating Jews like an unnation,, without a country, without human and basic rights of life, liberty and property, hiding truth in the breaches of overstuffed pockets buying a big hole, annihilation, nothingness. As those who leave out sing, "Imagine", no GD, no religions, no nations, living for today, it is natural that unnaturally they become like all the other nations which chose the lower law, themselves. Like Korach, we know, they will suffer the consequences of their made-off mania and won't get away with it. It's all in the parashas, the book of true government and humanity. They bashed our kids in Vilna, bombed them on the Altalena, broke their houses in expelled them who had the will to live and die for truth, justice and good. As we live in Jerusalem we must live for Jerusalem united with all the victims and all their survivors, settled and settling and, we will survive the bashing of settlements and settle more because the opposite of settlement is war, destruction, death. They duped the people into complacency, for the road map, The low road that took the bullets of those who they gunned for denying the kingdom of Solomon, the holy ancient land blossoming for our eternal blessed people recognized in spite of those who would only recognize themselves and stuff their pockets with the imperialist subsidies of the day, subtracting their guilt by making all the Jews guilty again. Don't we still look up to those who looked up to HASHEM even from the gallows, the showers of death. We bless Rabbi Akiva, light Chanukah candles, praise Esther and Mordechai. We wear their costumes, our true clothes, while the Made-Off and Ponzi politicians wear the clothes of their killers and bend their necks down to be broken, sell their hearts to be shredded, give their hands to be disarmed and shamed because they thought they belonged to the J street and swallowed the junk of jihad. licked their spit, straddled in their hate, still hated. Hard Labor is the pneumonia of those who breathe the death wishes of their worst friends; fiends. . the Jews who never die, lived for their legacy and kept it going the vomit of their me-idiocies. Bless our hilltop kids, the partisans, the life of our lives that keep building, creating in the image of our Creator. Hard Labor may throw its daggers, design its indignities, but Korach cannot win against such koach, the koach of our kids, our inheritors, who believe in a higher truth, not a roadmap of the made-offs, the bow-tied crooks, the imperialists imploding as if they owned the world, blaming the victims as they victimize, stooges, for their own enemies. Hard Labor, they attack our sons who we bore and who carry us to victory, our namesakes for His Sake. Hard Labor would make an abortion. Love rallies time against crime. Don't forget to put salt on your challah this Shabbos while they drive on the “bye-roads”, crashing with themselves and the civilized. Knowledge of G-d is Power, Service of G-d guarantees eternity. Long live Jerusalem. Forever Israel. Motherhood is a labor of love, eternally making for Our Maker. What a marriage, the Jew and G-d divorced from all those with hearts softened to accept the unacceptable whose lives would divide for those who idolize the death cult, their arteries clogged with all the profanities against truth. . Keep loving our children; they are settlers, good and giving, creating and building. Remember the staff and the almond blossoms and there are so many almond trees always a blossom for our being Jews in Eretz Hachodesh. And Gd commanded, go and settle the land I give you, and multiply. Let there be unnatural growth, like promised, like the sands of the land and the stars of the heavens in our promised land. ========================= PONZI POLITICS; PONZI PRESS by Evelyn Hayes, author of The Plague Series because their hearts were softened to accept the unacceptable. (c)January 1, 2009 With gusto they avoid the truth favor the uncouth; And as untruth gets bolder and bolder, lies set the world on fire. From Kenya to Mumbai, From the London underground to the Madrid airport. From Sbarro to 911 From Peace Now to War Now, from the Gush Katif expulsion, the Lebanon delusion, the Gaza illusion, it wasn't a realistic roadmap, just PONZI POLITICS!. Wasn't it just yesterday, that there were gardens in Gaza, plowshares not weapons, where the Jews belonged- there since the time of Solomon, more? Gush Katif, a palatial relief. JOBS, FLOWERS, VEGETABLES, FRUIT, BARE FOOT KIDS AND SUNNY HOURS. Wasn't it just yesterday, that there were Jews in a Jewish owned Beit Shalom on Worshippers Way in 20% Oslo allotted Jewish Hebron? Hebron, a Jewish ancestral Biblically documented Jewish inheritance since the time of Abraham. But PONZI POLITICS swiped them out and let barrenness birth terrorism for all. Jihad supported in Gan Eden made excuses for hell everywhere, to let evil sting, fling, murder, massacre worldwide. From the birthplace of civilization PONZI POLITICS favors an ending with prime-evil war. PONZI POLITICS is dumb to bombs, bullets, grads raining down on kindergartens, hospitals, supermarkets, homes, accepts a coward's war against those cowed in PONZI POLITICS, too social to stop the anti-Zionists PONZI POLITICS is a partnership of "It Isn't, Wasn't, Won't" without sobriety; favoring notoriety. Remember there were Jews in Gaza before 1929 and before and before Remember there were Jews in Hebron before 1929, 4000 years or more. Remember there were Jews in Israel, and there were the imperialist Arabs, British, Romans, Greeks, Philistines, Persians, Babylonians. Remember Jewish Jerusalem, Hebron, Beis Lechem, Beit El, Shiloh, Itamar, Galilee, Golan, now under question in PONZI POLITICS, a rip-off plan to bring down the world, using false for false, using fiction for friction. Remember Sir Herbert Samuels who made a terrorist a statesman. This terrorist, Haj al Husseini partnered with Hitler to annihilate the Jews in a world war against all. Arafat the Palestinian was from the Husseini clan; Abdul Rauf el Codbi al Husseini, an Egyptian. Abbas is from the terrorist scam, a moderate or a manipulative? HAMAS is using Real War while the rest of the world is using PONZI POLITICS a new world order, change to disarrange. . Understand pity for the pundits is sacrifice of the wonderful. A PONZI scheme robbed the banks A PONZI scheme made off with many deposits. A PONZI scheme will bankrupt those taxing everything left to support everything bereft A PONZI scheme is ink lead and read as if there is truth in the flailing, failing NYTimes? Israel has finally gained consciousness, couldn't take it anymore is engaged in OPERATION CAST LEAD A Palestinian girl who lost her four year old sister put the blame where the blame belongs, on HAMAS The Arab unemployed because Gush Katif was destroyed with PONZI POLITICS are in jihad now to feed their kids and stay alive in the land in the business of hate and devious death; using imported weapons in a deadly economics for deprivation by decadent appreciation - What a way to make money to support war - in a PONZI POLITICS of make believe peace. PONZI POLITICS silences the masses posing as the multitudes, the in-crowd taking out, making questioning seem rude. Shrewd trick that is a global scam. Compromise, you lose. Let PONZI POLITICS and PONZI PRESS gain consciousness, turn on the lights and celebrate Chanukah, too, a battle to spread insight, negate blindness, rally a righteous creed against greed. Let a new world order not disorder. Let wisdom, humanity and responsibility govern this New Year and stop all PONZI POLITICS, PONZI PRESS, distortions and abortions of truth, justice and life,
Gush Katif,
Friday, 24 July 2009
except for many who choose J Street, the junk, the idols,
the jihad against themselves.
What perfidy, that J street calls itself mainstream when it applauds the slaughter of kids again,
the stripping of sanity for sin,
the stripping of our children of their G-d given inheritance,
and as they chase our children out of the plains of Avraham, the fields of David, the hills of Judea, t
he mountain tops of the Shomron,
corrupting the message of Gamla,
Bless our sons and daughter, the gifts of Hashem, who accept His gifts even with their life
because they are one with the everlasting victorious,
while the imperialistic Babylonians, Persians, Romans, Greeks, Germans, Communists, British, Edomites, jihad
are flittering in the wind of the emptiness, the tunnels of their banalities and bombs,
because it is only promising for the world
when our children are the inheritors
who are anti all independent nations, their master plan - world capitulation.
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Britannia Radio