A CASE OF BLACK AND WHITE ! Linda Hunnicutt grannywarrior.com The summer is heating up quickly, there is no more time to think about what you should do or sit and ponder on whether or not all the news coming out daily is just a conspricy or is real. Information is coming at us hot and heavy, many times it is overwhelming which is exactly what the Government wants. Overload the public and their little poisoned brains will just get stuck on pause long enough to give the Gov. time to push through their agenda. Have you ever taken the time to try to figure out just why our own Senate, Congress and other elected officials would want to turn this once great country into a third world nation? How do they justify the bills and laws they enact which will further bring our nation to its knees, overloaded with public assistance, illegals, pompous politicians and ignorant workers who are not competent to do a job not to mention the fact that their own children will have to live under these edicts. How do they justify their existence and power? Do they really believe they are working for the publics best interest? Do they feel they are protecting us? From who? ourselves or them or some outside entity? What ever their reasons are we should know by now our best interests are not being met. We have to stop thinking and start doing. Have you neglected to put up a store of food and supplies? If so the time is short and the cost is rising so it should be done asap. Even if you do not think anything will ever happen that will allow your family to be at the mercy of the Welfare State or starve you should be prepared to look into your childrens eyes when they are hungry and say I did my best.. Have you done your best to prepare for what ever is in our future? I respect Greg Evenson and have kept track of his work. He is not a hysterical screamer looking for some attention, he genuinely believes what he says and lives by his oath of office, warning people of the coming hardships. Read his latest message: http://www.newswithviews.com/Evensen/greg142.htm THE DEATH OF LIBERTY: THE FINAL SCENE UNFOLDS Obama visited North Carolina yesterday to try to calm the hill billy's and show his dedication to our great state? He must have been surprised to see his welcoming committee. That motorcade sped past the protestors so quickly I doubt if he had time to even see any of the signs. I loved the bearded man at the end of the video and what he says about wasting money. Of course there was no mention of any type of protest against the "Great O" on the news.
We are in deep deep trouble as a nation and we the citizens will suffer the consequences of our neglect and complacency. There are all kinds of excuses we use to tell ourselves we are not at fault but in the long run there is no excuse. Parents are not parents any longer because it was easier to allow our children to be taken to day care centers and we could work and buy more goods to keep up with the Jone's next door. Why waste your precious time diapering, feeding and teaching a child when you can pay a few dollars a day and have someone else do it for you? With that money you can buy games for the kids which will keep them quiet, no slamming doors, no skinned knees, just a wimpy little kid that has no conception of how to get along in life if they don't have a little keyboard or game controler in his hands. The brains have been destroyed both by the very food we allow them to eat and in fact feed them daily. Look at the difference between the appearance of the kids today and that of their appearance 30 years ago. The boys looked like boys usually with skinned knees and snotty noses, the girl looked like little girls not grown women. Now the boys look like soft little girls and if they didn't wear something blue you may never know what they are. Little girls are growing breasts at 9 and 10 looking all grown up instead of little girls. Do you think it may have something to do with all the food they are ingesting, shots being taken and the water? We never had flouride in our water, our teeth were strong and healthy, our brains worked and kept us in trouble most of the time but those brains were always thinking up something to do or make not relying on a screen with cartoon characters showing us how to live......And we sit and say what can we do??? Well start with actually making food for your family that isn't full of poison. Start learning to live without the tv telling you how. Stop believing what you wish was so, look for the truth and search for what is happening in your own world. You are not blind, just because it is so hard to think of the terrible trouble we are all in does not make it go away. It is up to us the adults to correct what we have allowed to become commonplace today. You don't want to be called a racist? Hell who cares lets get the problem solved. I didn't tell the mexicans to cross the border but it is up to me to say hell no you don't. you are illegal and need to go to jail or back where you came from, you do not deserve special treatment here, get your medical care at home or change your country don't come to mine and ruin it with your ignorance and greed. I never had a slave and I don't know of anyone alive today that was a slave so why should I apologise for something I didn't do? Why should I pay for something I had no part in? Why would anyone want to live a life that was based on guilt? Not me.. I am guilty of many things and will do what ever I can to rectify those things but not something that has nothing to do with me at this time. Instead of holding out your hand for something free from the government try putting that hand in your pocket and see just how empty it comes out..You have to work to put something in that pocket don't expect me to work and fill it for you. I am not the ant and you are not the grasshopper. It is time to get off your butt and start raising hell about the mess this country is in and be prepared to live a life that is hard, it isn't always fair and it certainly isn't one that you can ignore and let someone else do it for you. To have freedom you have to work, give up things sometimes and be ready to defend your beliefs both religious and civic. But then again maybe I am asking too much? it is so much easier to just comply and do what you are told, be fed garbage and let your children continue to be mentally retarded and unhealthy to grow up addicted to medications that make the big pharma companies rich and you a slave to their greed. Just continue to live as nothing is wrong until you are face to face with a barrel of a gun because you are a useless eater and need to be disposed of. Be sure to take the flu shot so the population can be downsized and made more manageble. Be sure to comply with all the new rules coming out, don't even try to grow a garden, don't even think of drinking pure water, just give up and believe it is all for the good of everyone. It's is time to think of what is good for you, your family and your country. Wake up and smell the coffee while there is still some around. You never know when the government will take that away also as it may just cause mental awareness in some. Take a look at history, look at Russia and how it was, Poland, Germany. Do you want to live like that? The Russians were cooking rocks for soup to survive on during the war, at least those rocks still had some minerals in them, the rocks in our land are poison from all the Monsanto Chemicals sprayed everywhere. Or would you rather live as the middle east does..? perhaps you can have your own camel or maybe get a new rag for your head if you kiss the right butt. And women you can be beaten by your husband for embarassing him? If those rules applied here I would have been stoned to death long ago as I am sure my husband has been embarassed by me many times over. And am I a racist? Hell Yes... I want my race to survive, I want my race to have equal advantage with others. I want my race to stop being a floormat for others and stop supplying them with their needs and supply our own needs first. I want my race to be proud of what we have accomplished and not bow our heads to others in guilt? I don't owe anyone a free ride because of what my race has done and neither do you. I didn't start wars, I didn't starve people, I didn't steal any oil or gas and I didn't give up my Constitutional rights. That is something that will have to be taken forcefully from me.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
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Britannia Radio