Turkistan Islamic Party Threatens China

The Al Qaeda-associated group is echoing Turkey's "genocide" charge, threatening terrorist strikes on Chinese targets. Click here for the story.
The group has reportedly released a video urging Muslims to "kill the Chinese communists wherever you find them. Capture them and besiege them and lie in wait for each and every ambush."
"We ask Allah to torture our enemies in general and the Chinese in particular with a special torture," the group's leader reportedly says in the video.
Iranians Rage Against the Regime
Dear Leader Kim's Teen Grandson Spotted in Macau, Singing Along at S. Korean Pop Star Concert
Iran's New Nuke Chief to West: Nothing More to Discuss, Nothing to See, Keep Moving, Shut Up
Click here for the story. The new man is even worse than the last guy--a zealot loyal to Iranian maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
China Confidential analysts say the appointment of Ali Akbar Salehi to head iran's atomic energy (nuclear weapons making) organization is a clear sign that the the turbaned tyranny is close to crossing the nuclear threshold, nearing completion of the process that will allow it to mass-produce and test nuclear bombs and warheads.
Chinese Ask Why Police Stood By While Uighur Rioters Rampaged and Massacred in Xinjiang

The New York Times reports:
In parts of the Uighur quarter and in poorer, mixed areas of south Urumqi, young Uighur men with sticks, knives and stones went on a bloody rampage for about five hours while police officers remained mostly absent, according to interviews with dozens of residents. In some areas where police officers arrived but were outnumbered by rioters, the officers stood around or fled, witnesses said.
“Where were the police while people were being killed?” said Cheng Wei, 41, a landscaper whose neighbors, poor fruit vendors from Henan Province, lost a son in the riots. “They were completely useless.”
Read the entire article here.
Iran's Ruling Elite Increasingly Divided

Click here for the analysis. The fissures at the top seem irreparable.
In the meantime, millions of ordinary Iranians are demanding freedom from clerical fascist rule.
China Confidential analysts say two struggles are taking place at the same time in Iran--a struggle within the regime for power and wealth, and a struggle from below for real democracy, instead of phony "Islamist democracy."
Contrary to the wishes of Islamist supporters and sympathizers, the Islamist regime can't be reformed. It must be removed. Revolution, not reform, in Iran is in the best interest of the Iranian people and the best interest of the United States and its allies.
In fact, every civilized nation on earth should be rooting for real change--revolution--in Iran. Three decades of Hitlerian hell is enough; the long nightmare that began in 1979 must finally be brought to an end--before the perpetrators of the nightmare are allowed to acquire atomic arms.
Malaysian Monster Mastermind of Indonesia Attacks

Click here for the story. The "extremist"--you have to scroll and read way down to learn that he is an Islamist--is the brain behind a series of atrocities, including the Bali bombings. His name is Noordin Mohammed Top, and he is one of the world's most wanted men--a mass murderer whose freedom menaces residents and travelers across Asia.