>> TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2009
Sarah Montague "interviews" Ed Balls here. What a laugh. It was in essence a forum for Balls to constantly repeat that the Conservatives are out to cut back "investment" in the public sector. I love the fantastical claims that Balls makes, which Sarah gaily lets pass. "Tough Discipline in every class-room" - was this a comedy routine? The BBC pimps for Labour day in day out and it is as simple as that. Note that the arrogant and devious tone throughout from Balls and the way in which he throws around "Billions" as if it were HIS money. (PFI is "a great success" was another great throwaway line. )
I posted here yesterday on what I see as the BBC's shameful participation in the sanitising of the appeasement of terrorism here in Northern Ireland aka "peace process". Today, on Thought for the Day, we had a follow-on item from the fragrant Rev Rosemary Lain-Priestly, of the Women's Ministry in London. Rosemary celebrated the decision by the UVF thugs to stop murdering people and wrapped it up in soft theological cotton. She went on to suggest that whilst justice for the victims was not possible perhaps we could set up a Truth Enquiry so they could "share their stories". How conveniently on narrative! Heaven forbid that those who have lost loved ones to the UVF, UDA and IRA mightdemand that justice be done. It's just so passe these days. WHY is justice not an option? Because it would de-rail the peace!!! Thank God ..or perhaps his rival, that we have Thought for the day to further immunise us from morality.
You couldn't have listened to the BBC this morning without hearing the dire warnings concerning the predatory monster that is.....the Harlequin ladybird.The BBC had this in their head-lines and they then ran the above item on it. Wonder could they just chill out a little or is the heat and the tennis getting to them?
Did you catch this love-in between omnipresent BBC "analyst" Red Ken Livingstone and Mr Naughty? The topic was "social housing" (Gotta love the euphemism for State control of the housing stock!) and the point was that "working-class" people are "ANGRY because they can't get a house so Government must seize control of this area of our lives. Thatcher gets bashed, BNP gets bashed and the creed of socialism gets a free outing. The BBC present the alternative to left wing Labour as even more left wing Livingstone. Pathetic.