The danger grows by the hour. Below is the 'plan' that will finish off Israel and Jerusalem and that means 'war'.
If only 6% of Israelis support Obama, why are the U.S.Jews so out of touch with this crisis in their support of Obama to finish off Israel?
When we rally on Aug. 9, 2009, Noon to 3 P.M. at Daley Plaza, by Picasso, in Chicago,every fiber of your being and concern needs to be expressed on this disaster that is brewing.
Would Obama be President without the Jewish vote? Would the Jews in the U.S. have supported Obama without the Jews of Chicago(Emanuel,etc.) saying it was okay and Obama could be trusted? Now we have the major Jewish organizations all selling out to Obama to convince the rest of us, that dividing Israel and Jerusalem is okay too.
Jews are being 'scapegoated' again. The world doesn't care if Israel and all Jews are destroyed once again. Don't you get it? Don't you understand the need to resist this before it is too late?
Obama was in Chicago last night to raise monies, but his ratings are sliding on a host of issues...with the model issue being that he can't be trusted. He can't be trusted on the U.S. economy,on health care, on foreign policy, etc. and if he is willing to betray Israel, our ally, than what's left on the rest of the issues? Blaming Israel and blaming Jews for all these problems is his agenda we must oppose.
Bob Kunst
Pres., Shalom International
Please donate to this effort via paypal or by mail to: "Defend Jerusalem", P.O.Box 402263, Miami Beach, Fla. 33140
JERUSALEM, July 24 (UPI) -- An Israeli-Palestinian document stipulates travel routes, security measures and final borders for a Palestinian state, an Israeli paper said.
The document published in Yedioth Aharonoth Friday reveals for the first time plans for a gradual Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank in a 30-month period, travel restrictions for Israelis and Palestinians, security arrangements and details of the final borders.
Three West Bank highways will be designated for sole Israeli use. Motorists will not have to carry passports but will be provided with a GPS tracking system and panic button for the trip, the paper said.
A motorist who strays from the designated route and enters a Palestinian controlled area, will be arrested by members of a multinational force, and returned to Israel to stand trial, the paper said.
The document was completed in recent months by a joint Israeli-Palestinian team, and made available this week to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Middle East envoy Gen. Jim Jones, the paper said.
Palestinians entering Israel will have to pass though permanent border terminals and undergo passport checks and customs clearance, the paper said.
Palestinians and Israelis will be able to enter Jerusalem's Old City without carrying passports. A multinational force stationed in the Old City will be on hand to enforce law and order, and will have the power to make arrests, the paper said. A separate multinational force will be deployed on the Temple Mount.
The document fails to stipulate the size of the future Palestinian security force and the weapons it will be permitted to use, but clearly outlines the weapons it will be barred from using, the paper said. The items include tanks, rockets, laser weapons, combat helicopters and planes, armed maritime vessels and weapons of mass destruction, the paper said.
Obama and Israel, into the abyss
What I dubbed the Obama administration's "rapid and harsh turn against Israel" has had three quick, predictable and counterproductive results. These point to further difficulties ahead.
First result: Barack Obama's decision to get tough with Israel translates into escalating Palestinian demands. In early July, Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas and Saeb Erekat, his top negotiator, insisted on five unilateral concessions by Israel: an independent Palestinian state; Israel shrunk to its pre-June 1967 borders, minus a Palestinian land-bridge between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; a Palestinian "right of return"; resolution of all permanent status issues on the basis of the 2002 Saudi plan; and a complete stop to building by Jews in eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Palestinians and Americans are the intended audience for this preemptory list; such exorbitant demands, the record shows, only reduce Israeli willingness to make concessions.
Second result: The US government takes marching orders from Abbas and passes them along to the Israelis. Abbas complained to the Americans that the construction of 20 apartments and an underground garage in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Shimon Hatzadik, 1.4 kilometers north of the Old City, would shift Jerusalem's demographic balance. The State Department promptly summoned Ambassador Michael Oren on July 17 and instructed him to halt the building project.
Some background: Zionists founded the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood in 1891 by purchasing the land from Arabs, then due to Arab riots and Jordanian conquest, abandoned the area. Amin al-Husseini, Jerusalem's pro-Nazi mufti, put up a building in the 1930s that later served as the Shepherd Hotel (not to be confused with the renowned Shepheard's Hotel in Cairo. After 1967, the Israelis designated the land "absentee property." Irving Moskowitz, an American businessman, bought the land in 1985 and rented the building to the Border Police until 2002. His company, C and M Properties, won final permission two weeks ago to renovate the hotel and build apartments on the land.
Third result: The US demand has prompted an Israeli resolve not to bend but to reiterate its traditional positions. Oren rejected State's demand. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who confessed to being "surprised" by the US demand, assured colleagues "I won't cave in on this matter."
PUBLICLY, NETANYAHU closed the door on concessions. Insisting that Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem "cannot be challenged," he noted that "residents of Jerusalem may purchase apartments in all parts of the city" and pointedly recalled that "in recent years hundreds of apartments in Jewish neighborhoods and in the western part of the city have been purchased by - or rented to - Arab residents and we did not interfere.
"This says that there is no ban on Arabs buying apartments in the western part of the city and there is no ban on Jews buying or building apartments in the eastern part of the city. This is the policy of an open city, an undivided city that has no separation according to religion or national affiliation."
Then, his blistering finale: "We cannot accept the idea that Jews will not have the right to live and purchase in all parts of Jerusalem. I can only describe to myself what would happen if someone would propose that Jews could not live in certain neighborhoods in New York, London, Paris or Rome. There would certainly be a major international outcry. Accordingly, we cannot agree to such a decree in Jerusalem."
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman asserted this same point, while Yuli Edelstein, minister of Diaspora affairs, added that the US demand "proves how dangerous it is to get dragged into talks of a settlement freeze. Such talks will lead to a demand to completely freeze our lives in the entire State of Israel."
From May 27, when the Obama administration began its attack on Israeli "settlements," it has displayed an unexpected naiveté; did this administration really have to relearn for itself the well-known fact that Washington fails when bossing around its main Middle Eastern ally? It then displayed rank incompetence by picking a fight on an issue where an Israeli consensus exists - not over a remote "outpost" but a Jerusalem quarter boasting a Zionist pedigree back to 1891.
How long until Obama understands his error and retreats from it? How much damage will he do in the meantime?
The writer is director of the Middle East Forum and Taube distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University.