Last updated at 10:46 PM on 04th July 2009 Let’s think of all the things the Conservative Party might want to apologise for. Privatising the railways, joining the Common Market, loading the police with paperwork, devastating the Armed Forces with cuts, introducing the GCSE, flattening half of British industry by accident in the early Eighties, failing to oppose the Iraq War, sacking the brave miners of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire who defied Arthur Scargill’s bullying mobs...I could go on. But no. What it has said sorry for is something called ‘Section 28’, which stopped local authorities from promoting homosexuality in schools. Scroll down for more Pride: Boy George and friends at the Gay Pride parade David Cameron journeyed specially to a ‘Gay Pride’ event to kowtow to the sexual revolution and simper: ‘We got it wrong. It was an emotional issue. I hope you can forgive us.’ Forgive them for what? Section 28 resulted from a fuss over the appearance of books aimed at children, intended to spread the view that single-sex couples could bring upchildren without any disadvantage to those children. I still remember the titles: ‘Jenny Lives With Eric And Martin’ and ‘Heather Has Two Mommies’. Less than 25 years ago, only revolutionaries such as Ken Livingstone endorsed this sort of thing. Mainstream politicians and newspapers alike were as doubtful about it as most people still are in their private thoughts. Nowadays, opinion formers and MPs have been scared into conformity, and the unhappy majority have learned to keep quiet about their concerns, for fear of the Thought Police. This supposedly wicked law was little more than an expression of opinion by Parliament. Nobody was ever prosecuted under its provisions. Try as they may, the homosexual liberation movement have never produced evidence of any martyrdoms resulting from it. What they still hate about it is that it was the last stand of those in British politics who were not cowed into silence or acquiescence by the sexual revolution. They want to make sure that the victory of self-indulgence – which is what this is really all about – is irreversible. That way, there is no chance that the stable married family, or the society it supported, can ever come back. And guess who is helping them? Why, the party that is supposed to stand for conservatism. How far into the swamp will the Tories allow Mr Cameron to lead them before they realise what he is?Dave, leader of the 'Heather has two Mommies' Party...
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Sunday, 5 July 2009
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Britannia Radio