Saturday, 4 July 2009

Duly Noted: Burkas for Men

George Handlery about the week that was. Without a people, special “Democracy” can work undisturbed. The EU: trying to create a nation. To hungry fools free lunches look attractive. We can choose our capitalist. When crime is normal and resistance to it is criminal. To resist them, you need the approval of the Islamists. The moral right of the intolerant to demand tolerance. Burkas for men?
1. It is not necessarily what it is: it is what you make out of it. Calculate this. In country X, the ruling Socialists, regardless of their 60+% majority from 3 years ago, get four seats. The right-of-center opposition (in PC terminology everything is right wing “extremist” that is not left of Stalin) has 15 mandates. A new formation, which is (too-far-to-the-right for the writer), grabs three seats. The author is uncertain, therefore, a question for you to answer privately arises. Who won?

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