The BBC have given £45,000 to the head of the Muslim Council of Britain, Muhammad Abdul Bari, to settle a legal case brought by him against the BBC for comments made by Charles Moore on Question Time in March. Charles Moore accused the MCB "leadership" of failing to condemn attacks on British soldiers, thereby implicitly condoning them, and this was deemed libellous of Mr Bari. The BBC attack on the Conservatives is ongoing. The traditional family unit remains the very best bastion against the growth of the State. One of the devastating consequences of decades of marriage breakdown here in the UK has been the resultant weakening of the family unit - so allowing Nanny State to enter our lives, interfere and contort things. I rather think the BBC appr0ves of this so that may go some way to explaining why a programme examining the connection between broken Britain and the sustained weakening of the family unit is buried away in a late night slot - having already been postponed during the local Council/European elections. To the Statist Beeb, Mum and Dad are optional extras. To any sane person, they are the essential bulwarks against the State. Tune in to BBC2 tonight at the 11.20pm to hear the connections the BBC would rather you didn't! It's a crucial topic and one that the multiculti moral relativists shy clear off lest we be judgemental. But without a strong family unit, the State just grows more powerful, more intrusive and it is a scandal that a topic of this importance is tucked away at a time when few will view it. OK - so we go live later this evening and here is the panel for your edification. We have media opportunist liberal Lembit Opik, then there is phew wot a scorcher Conservative parliamentary candidate Margot James, (the new Nadine Dorries now she is mad); there is Trasha from garbage TV, and of course we shouldn't forget FT Editor Lionel Barber; finally there is lovely boy Chris Bryant from the Rhondda. I invite you to visit Chris''s homepage here if you want a laugh, check out the excerpt from his maiden speech. We kick off at 10.30pm and best of all, I have two good gentlemen to moderate alongside me! David Mosque has kindly agreed to be here - and Geoff may be back for the first time since his accident. All in all it should be a laugh and don't worry about the direness of the panel - we more than make up for that in our commentary! Be there. Here's a new open thread for your use - look forward to your comments. I will be back later for the BBC Question Time liveblog! I think that Stephen Glover has quite a perspicacious article here on the subject of how the BBC operates as a multimedia more powerful version of the Guardian.#Easy money, expensive words
>> FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2009
I read Cranmer's response to it, and it simply reinforced my sense that a wrong had been done. The big question seems to be why the BBC so tamely ponied up telly-taxpayer's money and imply that even mild indirect criticism of Islam is not within the law in the UK. I understand from Cranmer's comments that Mr Moore is seeking legal advice of his own. The BBC don't mention him in their own report, possibly mindful of such escalation, but it seems to me this is an attack on the mildest kind of free speech, and the BBC are binding themselves to being wary of who they allow to speak on the BBC. We often express dismay at the liberal-leftist consensus which the BBC supports by stacking their panels with centre-leftists; here the BBC are accepting legal reinforcement of their natural instincts; perhaps it's no wonder they surrender so meekly to the heap big chief of the MCB.
Needless to say, the libel lawyers in this case were Carter-Ruck, tyrants of the UK libel laws renowned for squeezing money out of the flimsiest cases of offence and reputational damage. What a bunch of evil shysters they are.DRIPPING POISON
>> THURSDAY, JULY 16, 2009
Just consider; The Andy Coulson attack story is being kept alive here. This is despite the fact that it has no no legs whatsoever. Meanwhile on the PM programme, I listened to Eddie Mair running a shock horror story about how poor old David Cameron's Conservatives are linked to a Polish politician who allegedly made "homophobic" comments - NINE year ago! Is Mandelson on speed dial to Auntie?BBC FAMILY VALUES
As a publicly owned broadcaster funded by the licence payer, it is supposed
I think this is about right. And because the BBC is so profoundly institutionally biased that there can be no salvation for it, I'm afraid. It has to be axed and the license tax burden removed. If it wants to push a leftist (or even a right wing) point of view, fine. Let it fund this itself.
to eschew partisan or biased stories with a political agenda. In this case,
the newspaper lobbed a grenade into David Cameron's back yard by targeting
Andy Coulson. The BBC blindly followed suit. But then the Corporation
often takes its cue from the Guardian. The two organisations share the same
values. Day after day, week after week, the BBC adopts the Guardian's Leftist
preoccupations and prejudices. The relatively low-selling newspaper serves as
the Corporation's brain, and many of the progressive causes it
promulgates are taken up by the BBC with its far wider reach.
Making predictions in the world of politics is to make yourself a hostage to fortune but I believe that David Cameron will shy away from doing what is necessary to the BBC. I believe that he will try to ameliorate the worst excesses of the BBC whilst remaining continually wary of the malign power of the State Broadcaster. He may even think that being nice to them will make things better. It won't. The values of conservatism are incompatible with the BBC and it will continue to undermine these which is why the only viable option is the complete and utter destruction of the BBC as we know it.
Friday, 17 July 2009
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Britannia Radio