Friday, 10 July 2009
The fact that we are engaged in a losing war has never been a novel concept for Bill Cash. He is well aware that because our government is complicit with our enemies we are daily losing grounmd as a nation. (See earlier “This is War - for those who haven't noticed!”)
But what is worse is the complete lack of understanding of this by the comments from readers which follow. One asks ‘Isn't Bill Cash a Euro"septic"??’, another asks ‘’why is Bill Cash surprised by the supremacy of EC Law over UK jurisdiction?’ yet another accuses him of ‘demand[ing] more controls.’ and one changes the subject to Bill Cash’s expenses - gets THAT wrong too! There are certainly three more intelligent ones - Two demanding a referendum on and/or quitting the EU and one deploring ‘the people’s ignorance’ .
Bill has spend a good part of his life pointing out the supremacy of EU laws and has continually warned it would all get worse .
The public are cretinous and haven’t a clue of the extremity of our situation. (see my earlier posting “Shoddy work from the BBC”)
THE TIMES -Letters 10.7.09
EU control over City
National supervision is a euphemism
Sir, In your leading article (“A missed opportunity”, July 9), regarding the Government’s White Paper on the reform of financial markets, you rightly criticise the Government on “a failure of leadership”.
You give three reasons. There is also a fourth, which is that the whole framework for financial regulation is being driven by the overarching jurisdiction of the European Union that will hand over the ultimate decisions to majority voting and the lethal use of co-decision and, finally, the European Court of Justice. This will undermine the City of London in favour of other European financial centres.
Furthermore, all this will do nothing to help the global marketplace, given the failures of European laws and regulations such as the Stability and Growth Pact and the economic implosion of the eurozone with massive unemployment and market distortions.
Alistair Darling replied to me and several other Members of Parliament on his statement, supinely conceding that we are governed by European directives, “whether we like it or not”. National supervision is a euphemism. In fact, there will be European control and jurisdiction and the City of London will be the loser, as will the UK economy as a whole.
Bill Cash, MP
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Britannia Radio