Friday, July 10, 2009
US Fueling Chinese Fears of Foreign Plots
At a time when the United States most needs China's cooperation with regard to nuclear-armed North Korea and nuclear-arming Iran, Washington appears to be going out of its way to fuel traditional Chinese fears--that the U.S. aims to use separatist movements in Xinjiang and Tibet to destabilize and dismember China.
Reuters reports:Chinese riot police broke up a small demonstration by Uighurs leaving Friday prayers in a Muslim Uighur neighborhood of Urumqi, arresting several who were taken away with hands above their heads.
The action came as the United States urged Chinese leaders to act with restraint in tackling the unrest in the Xinjiang region.
Continue here.Obama to Consider 'Further Steps' on Iran in Sept.
The turbaned tyranny is playing the Appeaser-in-Chief like a violin as it develops nuclear weapons and the means of delivering the weapons to Israel ... and Europe ... and the United States itself (with North Korean help).
Click here for the news. Surely, the monstrous mullahocracy is shaking in its robes ... not!
China Confidential repeatedly warned during the 2008 Presidential campaign that Obama's ascent to the White House would assure the Islamist regime of at least a year's time for achieving its strategic objectives. Tragically, we were right about that. The President came to power determined to appease and align with Islamism in general--and Islamist Iran, in particular--in order to pacify Pakistan and Afghanistan, isolate Al Qaeda and the Taliban (except for its so-called reconcilable elements), and ... yes ... counter ... China's rise and Russia's resurgence. The hoary policy of trying to ride the Islamist/Islamic tiger without being eaten by it ... a strategy that dates to the Great Game of imperial rivalry between Britain and Czarist Russia ... has been revived and revamped under cover of "engagement" and "tough, principled diplomacy" with fascistic foes who muse openly about a "world without America and Israel."
And foolish liberals--Stalinism's useful idiots--for whom dialogue and diplomacy are ends, not means, have fallen for the whole perfidious package. Even in the aftermath of Iran's rigged, Islamist election, the dumbbell Democrats are embracing Obama's dance with the devil.Risky Business: Rio Tinto Case is Revealing
Seven Innocent Baha'is Face Death Penalty in Iran
Read about it here. A U.S. panel on religious freedom is demanding their release--innocent people held in a horrific prison, facing trial on trumped-up charges of espionage simply because they practice their religion. If convicted, they could be sentenced to death.
And the United States still aims to "engage" (code for appease and align with) ... instead of remove ... the nuclear-arming, Islamist regime. Incredible.
Click here for background information on the persecution of Baha'is in Iran.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Click here for Q&A on the case that is sending chills across an entire industry, threatening to ruin relations between Beijing and Canberra, and reminding foreigners of the risks of doing business in rising China.
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Britannia Radio