Friday, 17 July 2009
Glenn Beck on Goldman Sachs' tangled web
(Goldman Sachs posted $3.5B 2nd quarter profits, and will be paying out huge bonuses.)
You have to read this to believe it!!! And... Paulson was the Liberal Democrat in the Bush Administration!!!
Glenn Beck: Goldman Sachs
GLENN: Here's the first shot. This is how it's going to come apart. What was his name? Clayton? Stu, do you have this? Clyburn. Congressman Clyburn is leading the charge. Congressman Clyburn, by the way, one of the guys that they credit with Obama's win. He helped save Obama's campaign. He has just filed a letter to the administration saying these minority broadcasters, they need help. They can't get funding normally. But now they really can't get any funding. What is Telemundo going to do? Well, they are these Hispanics that just would want to have a radio station so badly and they can't get any funding. Oh, the African American community, there needs to be more African American radio stations owned by minorities! Can't we help them? Of course we can. Companies like Clear Channel just got too big and they're all white. We should break them up and then sell those stations to minority broadcasters and we'll help fund that. Oh, that is great. Congressman Clyburn, thank you so much for that idea. That's fantastic! Oh, by the way, it's a complete coincidence that congressman Clyburn, his daughter was just appointed to the FCC. Complete coincidence.
Complete coincidence today that Goldman Sachs has their profits go up by 65%. Goldman Sachs. Well, let's just take you down this tree. I'm going to do this tonight at 5:00. You call everybody you know and you tell them you watch because this is a web and this is the way our entire government is being structured. When you see it, you'll be amazed. Let me just give it to you here. I'll tell you it. See it at 5:00. Secretary Paulson runs the treasury. Secretary Paulson comes from Goldman Sachs. Secretary Paulson is saving all of these institutions, but Lehman Brothers, no, no, no, Lehman Brothers, that's got to fail. They gotta fail. Lehman Brothers, who was Lehman Brothers' biggest competitor? Oh, Goldman Sachs. Who is Goldman Sachs' biggest competitor? Oh, Lehman Brothers. Lehman Brothers, they can fail.
The very next day AIG, they can't fail. AIG needs to be saved! So the former employee of Goldman Sachs, now secretary treasury Paulson decides to bail out AIG. Who is one of the first companies that get the money from the bailout from AIG? Who does AIG pay off, one of the first ones in line? Oh, my goodness, what a coincidence. Goldman Sachs. So AIG pays Goldman Sachs. Then the former Goldman Sachs employee, now treasury secretary Paulson says we've got to appoint somebody to really oversee and design this TARP thing; who could I get, who could I get, who could I you know what? I'm going to hire somebody from Goldman Sachs. He will design TARP.
At the same time Goldman Sachs calls their former employee who is now designing TARP and their former employee who's now the treasury secretary and says, you know what, we should be a bank holding company. A bank holding company? What? Are you kidding me? In the coming months that will take GE almost two days to have that happen. What, are you crazy? Wal Mart's been trying for years! "Okay, we'll do it." So the two former employees from Goldman Sachs now allow Goldman Sachs to be a bank holding company.
Well, why would they want to be a bank holding company? Well, now they can get even more funds from the government. They cannot only get the TARP funds but they can also get FDIC funds. Oh, and there's also this other little pesky thing. The SEC, the SEC doesn't oversee bank holding companies. The Federal Reserve oversees a bank holding company as long as it's the Federal Reserve where what town is Goldman Sachs? Oh, New York? Yeah. So you'll be overseen by the Federal Reserve chairman of New York who, oh, my gosh, what a coincidence! He's on your board of directors! Oh, well, that's great because he will know all of the stuff and he will be able to see if there's any kind of wrongdoings going on.
The guy overseeing is on your board of directors, which is against the law. Boy, that's a bad thing that that's against the law. What are we going to do? Oh, oh, I just remembered. Not a problem! Because former Goldman Sachs employee is now the treasury secretary. So he just has to sign a waiver that says, "Don't worry about that! He doesn't have to get off the board. He doesn't have to sell any of his stocks. He will just have the former Goldman Sachs employee write a waiver to the Federal Reserve so the Federal Reserve chair can stay on the board and not only keep his stock but he can buy hang on just a second 52,000 shares of additional stock." Yeah. So now the guy who's overseeing Goldman Sachs, the watchdog, buys 52,000 shares more which up until today only made him three million dollars.
I can't even imagine with a 65% profit increase how much money he's made. That's fantastic. Oh, by the way, the biggest thing that Goldman Sachs was doing was derivatives. Derivatives, derivatives, what are derivatives? Oh, my gosh, derivatives, why do I know that? It seems like a bad thing. Is that CBO, isn't that the D and the C he owes? Isn't that what caused all of this mess? Wait a minute, wait a minute. No, the derivatives didn't cause that. That was the oil. Wait a minute, hang on just a second. Goldman Sachs was the biggest derivatives and also weren't they the biggest in oil speculation as well? Wow, they were in two of those. Huh. Well, it's a good thing that we're out of derivatives and oil and energy. They've learned their lesson.
They've learned their lesson because they are onto something brand new. They are onto cap and trade. They are the biggest supporters of cap and trade next to GE, which is also weird because that's part of the government now, too. But anyway, they've gotten out of the derivatives and they've gotten out of oil speculation because they learned their lesson. Now they are just going to start creating the biggest derivative market of invisible gas for energy. That doesn't sound like there's a problem there at all.
Wait until you see this web, and this is what's happening to our government. There is a web that is being created and you are the fly. And they are just, they have stuck their fangs in you just to make you sleepy enough to put silk around you and then once you can't move, they will suck every bit of blood out of your body. More importantly because I meet enough people who say you could suck all the blood out of my body if it would leave my children alone. Your children will not have a chance if we continue to allow the spending, if we continue to allow people like Sotomayor getting in when she says I rule we all know you rule from the bench. You make laws on the bench. But then yesterday saying, "Oh, no, it's fidelity of the law." Which one is it? Why are we accepting things that we know are lies? They have lied to us over and over again and yet we do nothing! Is it because they have put that little sleepy juice into our necks? Slap your neighbor across the face and say wake up, man; you're caught in a web.
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Britannia Radio