Tuesday, July 21st, 6:32 A.M. PST Vancouver, British Columbia Dear Reader, Here's a line I heard several times at last year's well-named Agora Financial Investment Symposium: "A View From the Peak": "Any mountaineer will tell you the way down is the most dangerous part of the climb". This is a bloody truth. And last year we couldn't have nailed it any better. In fact, the conference occurred almost at the same time that the market topped and crumbled. You know the gig: the whorish cardhouse folded. The credit markets spewed vile sputum. Markets around the world collapsed. We now live in a new world. And if you've read your Agora Financial fodder for some time you were hopefully prepared for this inevitably nasty financial crisis. Because we railed against runaway debt, dumb politics, and the financial fad culture for a decade in our flagship e-mail newsletter The Daily Reckoning. For example, last year The Daily Reckoning's Bill Bonner exposed the World-Wide Crack Up Boom. His writings and his conference speech referenced Ludwig von Mises' theory of a massive inflationary boom- bust. And it couldn't have been any more timely. Armed with that insight, you would've been among the first to go short when the financial firms hit the skids. But the beautiful part about our annual weeklong jaunt in Vancouver is that the Symposium is bigger than one idea. Even, better, it could be more powerful (for your future prosperity) than any other week of the year...and don't worry if you couldn't make here in person. Because you can still take advantage of every speech and stock pick presented...
"Your Money's Future" is an appropriate subtitle for this year's conference. Because in this new world there are new rules - new opportunities - new risks - new chances for incredible gains. But that's not all... This year's AF Investment Symposium also celebrates a "Decade of Reckoning". On July 23rd 1999, Agoran architect Bill Bonner hit "send" on the first issue of The Daily Reckoning... Now, The Daily Reckoning reaches nearly a million people worldwide. It's translated into 6 languages every day. New worlds...timely predictions...ten amazing years of publishing incendiary and profitable ideas... But let's stop here and start from the start. Who am I? And where am I? Let me explain...
Even though just east and north of here lay resource-rich tracts holding some of the world's great stores of gold, silver, copper and iron ore... ..from my room on the 12th floor of the palatial Fairmont Hotel in the heart of downtown, I see not one belching smokestack. I don't hear a single burp from a rail yard. What I see: a sleek, modern metrop that still maintains the elegance and polite attitude of your favorite small town. For example, yesterday I strolled Stanley Park (a walk of just minutes from the Fairmont), where among hundreds of other souls old and young I stalked along the seawall from Second Beach to Prospect Point. I smoked in the crispy air and beautiful Burrard Inlet views during my ride among the centuries-old cedar trees that scalp the sky... Later, I ducked into the posh Vancouver Art Gallery (currently displaying select pieces from Vermeer and Rembrandt, on loan from Amsterdam's chic RijksMuseum)... And finished my day in the packed restaurant row of Japanese, Malaysian, Thai, and Indian hotspots on Denman Street...where I spent hours sampling some of the most decadent foods I've ever tasted. By sundown - I wanted to relax. I watched the sunset at English Bay Beach, and sipped a cup of coffee as the sun disappeared behind the lush, green hills across the bay. The natural resource mecca of Vancouver is holding up quite nicely, thank you. And maintaining its dignity and charms like few other towns could. Yes, the worst financial face-suck of the last 75 years has chomped lending and squeezed bottom lines from here to Toronto, New York, Europe, Dubai and all points East... But amid the towering glass and steel architecture and hip, globe- spanning array of restaurants and nightlife the city has to offer, I cannot help but think - Vancouver will emerge from this protracted financial mess stronger and more beautiful than ever. And so will you. Because of the Agora Financial Investment Symposium. After all, this year we're celebrating a decade of Bill Bonner spackling the truth. Of Bill needling the insipid, impotent jesters who suckle wannabe kings. And Bill does this for a reason, yeah. He wants Agora's ideas to help you weather the storms - and increase your personal wealth - no matter the market clime. So now it's time for me to get to some of those new ideas...and how you can get your hands on them - from the comfort of your own home. Today, if you choose. First, I should properly introduce myself... I'm Greg Grillot, former manual laborer and co-creator of Whiskey & Gunpowder. Been with Agora Financial since the beginning, and let's hope there ain't gonna be an end. I'm your "Roving Reporter" for the Vancouver Conference. The Roving Reporter job is simple. I'm just gonna tell you exactly what goes down. In my jade-free view. I will report to you, direct to this e-mail address, every day of the conference - from today until next Monday - so you don't miss out on one salient syllable or meaty stock pick. I don't plan to get much sleep. Not with presentations from Outstanding Investments Editor Byron King, Chris Mayer of Capital & Crisis, Patrick Cox from Breakthrough Technology Alert, Resource Trader Alert's Alan Knuckman... PLUS - main-session talks from Dr. Marc Faber, Rick Rule, Doug Casey, Juan Enriquez, and Bailout Nation author Barry Ritholtz all lined up! Does that sound useful to you? Do you want the advice and commentary that will inform your life? Do you want the 22+ specific stock picks? I know you do. And that's why I'm gonna give all of this to you. Right now. Look, I need to give you the opportunity to be here even though you ain't here. It's **necessary**. Maybe you couldn't make it to British Columbia. For whatever reason. But -- You can still be here, without BEING here. I'll explain: Here's the next best thing to attendance: I want to personally deliver you the whole conference. I want to send you an audio recording of every single main session presentation, I want to send you every single stock pick. Every dig at Goldman. Every nonchalance and BON MOT. Look, I know you ain't here... I know you ain't here with me wading with perfecto uber-model women...and nearly perfect investment advice. That don't matter. Here's why: Because we're recording everything. And I'd like to send the recordings right to you. I'd like to send CD's to your front door and your instantly downloadable files to your e-mail inbox (when they're ready), if you'd like. Easy, right? And this way, you can't miss a recommended company. You can't miss one idea. Now, I just got word that this set is available to all who order while this year's Symposium is in session (July 21st-27th, 2009) for only $99 for the MP3 versions and just $149 for the CDs...
The one catch is this: the price for these recordings will shoot up at least $100 right after the Symposium ends. So you have a pretty limited time to get your recordings for that big discount. For now, you can get it all for an extremely low ticket price. Simply click this link right now and you can get these recordings... Then, be on the lookout for my next dispatch tomorrow - when the 2009 Agora Financial Investment Symposium officially kicks off! Dr. Marc Faber, Juan Enriquez and perennial favorite Rick Rule are all scheduled to speak. I'll have all the details on the picks - plus more... Sincerely, Greg Grillot Roving Reporter P.S. I'll send you specific updates every day and as conditions warrant so you can keep instantly abreast of every happening at the Symposium. But, when the conference ends this weekend and I send my last dispatch on Monday, the price for the audio recordings will shoot up at least $100. So obviously you want to get them right now. And, the sooner you get your hands on these stock picks, the better. |
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
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Britannia Radio