Friday, 17 July 2009

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions’ in Private Homes
There is a knock at the front door. Peeking through the window, a mother sees a man and a woman, both in uniform. They are agents of health-care reform.

 Worse Than The Great Depression... Hyperinflation Is Coming! Own Gold & Silver! Real Money-Real Protection!

Sotomayor Refuses To Answer If She Would Uphold Gun Rights
For the second day, Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor dodged questions about whether she believes the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right to keep and bear arms.

The Daily Mail Asks: Did MI5 Kill Dr David Kelly?
The UK’s Daily Mail, on 16 July 2009, asks Did MI5 kill the UK Government weapons expert Dr David Kelly? Here are some of the points made in the Mail article.

What Economy? There’s Nothing Left to Recover
There is no economy left to recover. The US manufacturing economy was lost to offshoring and free trade ideology. It was replaced by a mythical “New Economy.”

Federal judge dismisses reservist’s suit questioning Obama’s presidency
A federal judge this morning dismissed the suit filed here by a U.S. Army reservist who says he shouldn’t have to go to Afghanistan because he believes Barack Obama was never eligible to be president.

London Times Censors Mass Opposition to Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccine
The London Times newspaper has apparently censored scores of comments on its own website that expressed vehement opposition to plans by the UK government to implement a mandatory vaccination program for swine flu.