Here is your Crux AM update:
Cracks in the CNBC façade showing...
Reporters now obsessed with blogs that show them for what they are... and now one is hammering them.
White House sets off race war with "profiling" expert
This was the wrong guy to call "stupid"...
Dan Ferris on one of the biggest accounting scams in America
"It's a wonder anyone believes anything reported by a public company anymore…"
Nancy Pelosi is utterly insane
Calls an income of $350,000 the new "middle class."
How 401(k) administrators constantly screw investors
Some called "the retirement plan from hell."
10 things car salesmen won't tell you
Industry insiders reveal how to save thousands on your next deal.
The Daily Crux
Friday, 24 July 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio