Hi, here is your weekly round-up of highlights from OUT-LAW News. As always, there are plenty of other stories from this week. You can also access our archive of weekly emails.
This week's news on OUT-LAW.COM
Lords ruling reduces contracts' certainty, says expert
A landmark House of Lords ruling will undermine the certainty of contracts and could make it more expensive to take cases over contract interpretation to court, according to a contract law expert.
No Dr No rights for Bond owners, says EU court
The company behind the James Bond film franchise cannot stop another company from registering Dr No as a trade mark because the film title is an indication of artistic, and not commercial, origin, an EU court has said.
Pirate Bay to be heart of legal content distribution network, say new owners
The world's biggest distributor of links to copyright infringing material is to be bought by a software entrepreneur and turned into a legitimate business, the site has announced. The Pirate Bay has agreed to be acquired for £4.8 million.
Usability and security gurus agree that masked passwords should go
Websites should stop masking passwords as users type because it does not improve security and makes websites harder to use, according to two of the technology world's leading thinkers.
Outsourcing contracts under greater scrutiny, survey finds
One in four businesses that outsource are planning to renegotiate the terms of their outsourcing contracts in response to the economic downturn, according to a survey of 200 businesses in the UK.
Regulators push for fairer, easier data protection compliance in outsourcing deals
The European Commission should make sure that outsourcing providers who process personal data are bound by consistent rules irrespective of whether they are based inside or outside the EU, data protection watchdogs have said.

OUT-LAW Radio: TV winners
02/07/2009: We look at the success of the TV formats industry - all the more amazing because the ideas at its heart enjoy little legal protection