Hillary Clinton: ‘CFR Tells Government What It Should Be Doing’ 'Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s opening remarks during her speech to the Council on Foreign Relations yesterday will have done little to dampen accusations that the elitist CFR pulls the strings of the U.S. government.Clinton effectively said that she was happy the CFR had created an outpost in Washington DC because it meant she did not have to travel as far to get her orders.' Hampshire Police Stop and Search Used 3,400 Times - Not One Terror Arrest 'A police force has suspended searches of people under controversial anti-terror laws after figures exposed the futility of the legislation. Hampshire Police conducted 3,481 stop and searches under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act in 2007/8 – but arrested no one in connection with terror.' Brown Formally Backs Blair as Candidate for 'President of Europe' 'Tony Blair won the formal backing of Gordon Brown yesterday as Britain's candidate to become the first "President of Europe". Downing Street endorsed Baroness (Glenys) Kinnock, the Europe minister, who said in Strasbourg: "The UK Government is supporting Tony Blair's candidature for President of the [European] Council." Asked if the prospect had been discussed with Mr Blair, she said: "It is the Government's position. I am sure they would not do that without asking him." Mr Brown's spokesman said: "What the Prime Minister supports is Tony Blair's candidature for the President of the European Council if Tony Blair decides that that is what he would like to do and as and when such a position exists." The post would be created, possibly as early as next January, if the Lisbon Treaty is ratified. The biggest remaining hurdle is a second referendum in Ireland in October, but opinion polls suggest people will vote Yes this time.' Goldman Sachs Caves in to Critical Blogger 'In a surprising conclusion in what has been a real life David vs Goliath battle, Florida-based estate agent and investment adviser, Mike Morgan, will be allowed to keep his GoldmanSachs666.com site up and running. The bank, which on Tuesday reported a 65pc rise in second-quarter profits to $3.4bn (£2.07bn), has backed down after earlier threatening to shut down the site, which is designed to discuss what Mr Morgan considers to be the the bank’s failings.' Is the US the Next Mexico? 'As I learn about the elite conspiracy ("New World Order") I am feeling like a turkey who is finding out about Thanksgiving. Mankind is indeed in the malignant grip of a satanic cult that subtly controls media, government education and business. Afflicted by this debilitating spiritual cancer, mankind is too deformed to diagnose its ailment. In "Puzzling Neighbors: A Historical Guide to Understand Modern Mexico" (1987) Salvador Borrego describes Mexico's turbulent, blood soaked history and poverty in terms of a conflict with agents of an "alien" force. "During more than 160 years, Mexicans have been hounded by influences which are foreign to their essence, by a phantom, an X factor which not all have identified..." The "alien" force is London-based international finance and its corporate tentacles using Freemasonry and the United States as its hand puppets.' Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions’ in Private Homes 'There is a knock at the front door. Peeking through the window, a mother sees a man and a woman, both in uniform. They are agents of health-care reform. “Excuse me, ma’am,” says the man. “Our records show that your eleven-year-old daughter has not been immunized for genital warts.” “And your four-year-old still needs the chicken-pox vaccine,” says the woman. “He will not be allowed to start kindergarten unless he gets that shot, you know,” says the man—smiling from ear to ear. “So, can we please come in?” asks the woman. “We have the vaccines right here,” she says, lifting up a black medical bag. “We can give your kids the shots right now.” “We are from the government,” says the man, “and we’re here to help.” Is this a scene from the over-heated imagination of an addlepated conspiracy theorist? Or is it something akin to what is actually envisioned by the health-care reform bill approved this week by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee.'Friday, 17 July 2009 Friday, 17 July 2009 Friday, 17 July 2009 Friday, 17 July 2009
Friday, 17 July 2009
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Britannia Radio