Thursday, 2 July 2009 

^^Does it really make sense to redistribute trillions of dollars from family budgets and worker payrolls for a slew of new government programs? Or force families, farmers, and drivers to pay higher power bills, higher heating and cooling bills, higher food and goods prices and higher gasoline and diesel prices, all for the promise of slowing temperature increases by merely hundredths of a single degree Fahrenheit by 2050. The answer clearly is NO.

^^Reduces Emissions by Only Hundredths of a Single Degree: H.R. 2454, touted as necessary to stop global warming, would set aggressive emission reduction targets, mandating that by 2050, CO2 levels in the U.S. be reduced by 83 percent below 2005 levels-making U.S. emission levels similar to those in 1907-when the primary mode of transportation was horseback. Despite H.R. 2454's aggressive targets these reductions are anticipated to slow temperature increases by merely hundredths of a single degree Fahrenheit by 2050, and no more than two tenths of a degree by the end of the century.


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