Muslims Riot in Xinjiang

Click here, and here for reports on major ethnic clashes in the capital of China's restive, western desert region.
As the AFP story indicates, China could blame the United States for stirring up the violence, because the exiled head of the Muslim separatist group lives in the U.S.
North Korea Preparing More Provocations

China Confidential analysts say North Korea--the world's most militarized state--is preparing a series of additional provocations, including: launches of mid-range, Rodong missiles capable of striking all of South Korea and Japan and a long-range, Taepodong-2 rocket capable of hitting Hawaii and Alaska; a third nuclear weapon test; and attacks on South Korean military targets, including troops and ships at sea.
The North appears to have fired two mid-range Rodong missiles on Saturday, in addition to five Scud missiles, which can strike most of South Korea, in a barrage meant to overshadow U.S. Independence Day celebrations.
The coming weeks will see a rapid and marked rise in tensions, according to China Confidential analysts, as the North seeks to provoke a conflict with South Korea and the United States and divert attention from its nuclear-arming, Islamist ally, Iran. The Axis of Nuclear Evil is alive and well; diplomacy is dead; appeasement has made wars almost inevitable; regime change in Pyongyang and Tehran is the only way to prevent potentially catastrophic conflicts with the two rogue states.