Friday, 10 July 2009
I send this out not because it is desperately important but to illustrate three points.
1. If you ask loaded questions you’ll get the answers you want
2. The public have absolutely no idea from this that as a nation we are in trouble and are not prepared at all for what’s in store
And -- 3. if you you do have do such a shoddy job at least report it accurately!
The BBC people involved in this should be ashamed of themselves
BBC 2 ‘Daily Politics’ 10.7.09
Poll: Cameron 'more honest' on cuts
Four in ten people think David Cameron is more open and honest than Gordon Brown about the need to cut public spending.
That was the finding of an opinion poll conducted for BBC2's Daily Politics programme, broadcast on Friday.
Some 39% think David Cameron is more open and honest about the need to cut public spending in order to reduce the level of national debt.
That compared to 25% who think the same of Gordon Brown - the same percentage said 'neither' and 11% did not know.
It also found two-thirds of people (65%) would not support cuts in public spending on things like schools and hospitals to reduce the level of national debt.
Almost four in ten (39%) think that public sector workers - including doctors, nurses and police officers - should accept a pay freeze "given the current state of the nation's finances".
But two-thirds of people questioned in the Daily Politics poll (67%) are not prepared to pay higher taxes in order to reduce the level of national debt.
The group most likely to accept the need for higher taxes are those in higher income bands social classes A and B.
More than four in ten people (42%) will credit the Government's rescue package if the economy starts to grow again before the next election.
The poll was conducted for BBC2's Daily Politics programme by ComRes, which spoke to 1,009 voters on 7 and 8 July 2009.
Full Results:
Given the current state of the economy, who do you think is more open and honest about the need to cut public spending in order to reduce the level of national debt?
David Cameron 39%
Gordon Brown 25%
Neither/don't know 25% [THIS IS MISREPORTING - see para 4 above!
It should read -
David Cameron 39%
Gordon Brown 25%
Neither 25%
Don't know 11-% cs]
If the Conservatives win the next election, do you think they would be better, worse or the same as Labour at managing public finances?
Better 28%
Worse 15%
Same 48%
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
I would support cuts in public spending on things like schools and hospitals to reduce the level of national debt.
Agree 33%
Disagree 65%
Given the current state of the nation's finances public sector workers including nurses, doctors and policemen should accept a pay freeze [Ask a question in that way and you’re bound to get such an answer. Suppose it had read - - -”including traffic wardens, refuse collectors, tax office staff, ---” -cs]
Agree 39%
Disagree 58%
In the current economic climate I would be prepared to pay higher taxes in order to protect public services
Agree 30%
Disagree 67%
If the economy starts to grow again before the next general election it will be due mainly to the rescue package put in place by the government
Agree 42%
Disagree 51%
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Britannia Radio