Tuesday, 28 July 2009

I warned several times that this hospital chaos would come now but I did so before the Swine Flu hit us.  

My advice to you allwas ‘Don’t be ill’ for from  now on doctors will be less and less experienced even if there is always thr ight one around at all.   This makes a debate about ‘cuts’ in the NHS academic.  The NHS itself is being cut -  by the EU from next Monday


If it's not good for patients, what's the point?
John Black says that restricting doctors' working hours will benefit no one but petty bureaucrats

This Saturday will see the start of an unfortunate experiment in how the NHS delivers health care as over half a million hours of available doctors' time is wiped out by new EU restrictions on working hours for doctors. Patients will be the guinea pigs.

From August 1, every doctor in the NHS will be limited to working an average 48 hours a week under European health and safety legislation originally designed to reduce tiredness for lorry drivers and industrial manual workers. Nowhere is the health and safety of their patients mentioned.

The immediate effects on patient care are potentially disastrous because there simply are not enough surgeons in Britain to fill the gaps in rotas when every doctor's hours are cut to a 48-hour maximum. To add additional chaos, a doctor is recorded as "working" even if he or she is asleep at the hospital overnight should things be quiet. The result: there will be not as many experienced surgeons available in the hospital at any one time and those that are there are overworked and under huge pressure to keep the NHS on its feet.

With gaps now appearing, managers are forced to find extra manpower to cover the unfilled shifts, which is being achieved either by employing their own doctors as "internal locums", or by forcing additional cross-cover between specialities. Neither solution is ideal, with the former making a mockery of the claimed need to reduce hours in order to eliminate fatigue, and the latter exposing patients to doctors who may have little or no knowledge of their condition or its treatment.

Surgeons who once would have been able to admit a patient, see to it that important tests were carried out and make sure the right diagnosis was made are now told they have to go home with the job half done and hand over to colleagues. If you offered me the choice between having someone take responsibility for my care at a time when I was most vulnerable or being presented with a rolling cast of clinicians, I would choose the former every time. But this is one "patient choice" that is being removed.

A longer term problem is that junior doctors are telling us they cannot get enough experience in the operating theatre and clinics. This is a real worry for the next generation of surgeons who will be expected to match and better the ability of today's consultants with much less experience. This is not possible.

In order to comply with the new legislation, the NHS has had to reorganise to a level of cover that leaves no room for manoeuvre, and this is before the possibility of a swine flu pandemic comes along.

I was a junior surgical trainee during a flu epidemic in the winter of 1969/70. We were almost overwhelmed, and every doctor in the hospital just mucked in to keep the flu patients going as well as dealing with our own surgical emergencies. To do this from August 1 is now illegal in the eyes of the European Union.

My advice to the Secretary of State for Health is that if swine flu becomes pandemic the European Working Time Directive must be suspended. It will take many months after each wave of flu to return to normal working, and the process will take that much longer to catch up with the backlog of surgical cases if doctors can only work 48 hours. Remember, it is all doctors who are bound by this insane legislation, consultants as well as juniors.

There are solutions to all this, and there is will from surgeons to fix the problem for good. Is there the necessary political will?
John Black is President of the Royal College of Surgeons