Wednesday, 22 July 2009

“The Jewish Mind”


Prof. Paul Eidelberg


“The Jewish Mind” is the title of a 600-page tome by Raphael Patai, the famous author of The Arab Mind. Patai, who died in 1996, was not a Jewish chauvinist.  He knows there are stupid Jews as well as brilliant non-Jews.  But he couldn’t ignore the extraordinary intellectual accomplishments of the Jewish people. 


However much Jews have been vilified, no one—not even the worst anti-Semites—ever accused the Jewish people of being stupid.  Indeed, it has been reported that the Jews, with less than 0.2% of the world’s population, have produced 22% of all Nobel laureates.


When it comes to politics, however, the intelligence of Jews is not conspicuous.  To the contrary, Charles Krauthammer refers to the 1993 Agreement between Israel and the PLO as “the the greatest diplomatic blunder in history.” 


Consider, also, how Jews voted in American presidential election of 2008.  Some 78 percent of the Jewish voters cast their ballots for Barack Obama, despite his lack of executive experience or legislative accomplishments, his Muslim leanings, his association with anti-American socialists or Marxists, and whose guru is an anti-American Jew-hating preacher.  Evident in the Jewish vote was not the Jewish mind so much as mindless Jews.


As already indicated, Israel has a goodly supply of such Jews.  Just think of how many Israeli “intellectuals” supported—and still support—the mindless as well as murderous policy of “territory for peace.”  What shall we say of the mentality of Jewish prime ministers who hobnobbed with a villain like Yasser Arafat, indeed, who gave him Jewish land, arms, and money and thereby made the godfather of international terrorism respectable?    By the way, one of these prime ministers is still afflicted by this mental disorder despite 10,000 Jewish casualties!


 So I cannot but wonder about the “Jewish mind” in the modern state of Israel.   In fact, shortly after the Oslo Agreement, I wrote a book called “Demophrenia” which includes case studies of Israeli politicians who exhibit several of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia:  delusions, escapism, apathy, depersonalization, stereotypic behaviors, flattened emotional or affective reactions, impairment of volition, lack of self-esteem, etc.  This has not endeared me to the (unJewish) minds of the Jewish Establishment.


But one does not have to consult—as I have—the writings of renowned psychiatrists and clinical psychologists to discern the mental infirmity of Israel’s ruling elites, whose minds, by the way, are not representative of most Jews in Israel.  Most Jews here are quite normal, and may even be said to have Jewish minds.  The trouble is that these Jews have been disempowered by a system of government designed by Zionists whose goal was to create a new Jew—which means Jews without Jewish minds.  Just examine the dysfunctional, non-representative, and unJewish system of government they fabricated in 1948.


The present writer has examined the electoral systems of 89 countries classified by Freedom House as democracies, and I can easily demonstrate that Israel’s is the worst.  Which means that Israel’s system of government is the product of inferior Jewish minds.  In fact, even though the Hillel Society of Social Research wrote about Israel’s flawed electoral system a few years after the founding of the state, the same basic system remains in place to this day:  Proportional Representation, a low electoral threshold, an absurd profusion of political parties, fixed party slates, no constituency elections,  no political accountability, short-lived governments—in short, amateurishness and boundless self-aggrandizement.


Is it any wonder that Israelis complain of the lack of Jewish vision and leadership?  But this suggests that what is most lacking in Israel is the Jewish mind.


To understand the Jewish mind one would have to define what is a Jew.  Patai deals with this crucial issue, which I leave to a future article.  It’s quite obvious, however, that this subject is beyond the interest or intellectual depth of Israel’s ruling elites.  Suffice to recall that former prime minister Ariel Sharon, like others, defined a Jew as one who serves in the Israel Defense Forces.  Well, that includes some Arabs, doesn’t it?  Perhaps this is why the leftwing government of Yitzhak Rabin erased the words “Judaism,” “Zionism,” and “Eretz Israel” from the Soldiers Code of Ethics.


This is par for the course in Israel, since its present “rightwing” government wants to erase the historic memory of the Jewish people by abandoning Judea and Samaria.


Ahmadinejad is not the only one who wants to erase Israel—i.e., the Jewish mind—from the Middle East.