Saturday 11 July 2009

July 11, 2009

Productive vs. Non-Productive:  The New Civil War?

It always puzzles me when, after writing an article, other articles on that topic suddenly appear.  For instance, my high speed/bullet rail article appeared on the News With Views site on June 29th.  Days later, several articles on the same subject appeared in major newspapers.  Then Vice President Biden commented on it.  I wonder if he reads.........
by Marilyn Barnawall

Still no Health Fairy on the Horizon

A New York Times article said when her husband became a U.S. Senator, her salary in 2005 jumped from $120,000 to $317,000 – nearly twice what her husband made as a U.S. Senator and miraculously the University was given $1 million taxpayer money. This, my friends, is Job Patronage. When she later resigned to become “First Lady” the position was never filled........
by Betty Freauf

Can Honduras Be Saved from Communism?

I am very optimistic, but it will be a very complicated and traumatic outcome, which many won’t understand. Exactly as what is happening in Honduras. I think it would be useful for the American population to read again their own Declaration of Independence, especially the part about the rights of the people to be free from tyrants. This is exactly what Hondurans are doing today, and most probably what Venezuelans will do in the......
by Cliff Kincaid

Moonwalkers Defy Al Gore's Claim

Gore was not asked during his April 24, 2009 Congressional hearing how he can link climate skeptics to people who believed the moon landing was "staged" when two prominent moonwalkers themselves are man-made global warming skeptics......
by Marc Morano