Monday, 20 July 2009

July 20, 2009

GOP Senators Ignore Sotomayor's Criminal Activities
How will our nation survive if those who take an oath, whether on the bench or in Congress, stomp on the law and trash the U.S. Constitution in their quest for financial or political gain? By acting as outlaws and gangsters of old, they set the standard for possible anarchy in this country, something no one wants to see. What the American people are seeing is total disregard for the law by elected officials and judges. This is a dangerous situation for our constitutional republic.........
by Devvy Kidd

Firestorm in Spokane

The way to destroy a country is to take away its energy production, remove its will to resist its own destruction, and to dumb down its citizens. We are so brainwashed, we are allowing these to happen. The final step will remove our ability to prevent our own destruction. At some point, we will be unable to defend our country and our homes........
by Tom DeWeese

If Not Now, When?

Once one or two States have enacted such legislation, others will follow because of the obvious economic and political advantages of doing so. Then, with the Power of the Purse and the Power of the Sword firmly held in We the People’s hands, in jurisdictions with constitutional authority, other problems can be addressed, one after another, from a position of ever-increasing political, economic, and legal strength........
by Dr. Edwin Vieira, JD, Ph.D

Racism: Glorified Hyperbole in America
One look at the $10.3 trillion national debt, annual $700 billion trade deficit, abysmal War on Drugs, money and lives down a rat hole in the Iraq War, endless Afghanistan War, gas prices, housing foreclosures, 32.2 million Americans subsisting on food stamps, water shortages in California along with their $26 billion debt, 15 million unemployed Americans, 200 million fat or obese Americans facing a humongous health care crisis—well folks—we find ourselves in a world of hurt........
by Frosty Wooldridge