The Sexual Revolution Begets Child Strippers Why I Must Defend Barbara Boxer
Some Rhode Island legal history. In 1948, before Kinsey’s sexual revolution, adultery was a crime so RI punished adulterers with a year in prison or $500 fine. Fornicators (that is consensual, unmarried sex) paid a $10 fine. Seduction, promising love and marriage to get a girl’s sexual favors, could also get 5 years in prison. Sodomy (any “orientation”) was a 7-20 year sentence. Tough legislation for the free love crowd........
by Dr. Judith Reisman
House Set to Vote on Fast-Tracked "Food-Safety" Bill
The question has come up in discussion on the Internet that H.R. 2749 will bind U.S. farmers to the standards of the Codex Alimentarius and the dictates handed down by the international Codex Alimentarius Commission. [Codex Alimentarius is Latin for “food code” or “food book”]........
by NWV News
Read it Before It's Banned by the US Government, Part 16
Scholars such as Michael Heiser, Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages provide details on the study of the Divine Council—the pantheon of divine beings or angels who currently administer the affairs of heaven and earth. Experts in this field of biblical studies typically agree that, beginning at the Tower of Babel, the world and its inhabitants were disinherited by the sovereign God of Israel and placed under the authority of lesser divine beings that became corrupt and disloyal to God in their administration of those nations (Psalm 82). According to the........
by Tom Horn
Another difference between the right and left is that we traditionalists know we’re called to be better than that. We know that the Truth will not only set us free and carry the day when the last chapter is written, but that it’s all we have. The lie will never serve us like it does the liars. That is, unless, as they have done, we make it our master......
by Selwyn Duke
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
July 28, 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 10:42