Seniors Refuse to Live on Their Knees
Our Officials and Judges took the same solemn oath that most of us did,” to serve and protect the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic”; they have repudiated that oath, and the constitution by making war on the people who are the sovereign source of all constitutional power. Our oath was a solemn part of our permanent bonding to America and we will die defending our Constitution and Republic, as so many have already done.........
by Former Kentucky State Trooper, Andrew Wallace, Ret.
Fourth of July is important to Americans
Nearly 99 percent of all fireworks sold legally in the United States are imported from China, according to the American Pyrotechnics Association, a trade group. Since they began to flood the U.S. market more than 20 years ago, these inherently hazardous imports have been aggressively regulated in a way that other Chinese-made goods often are not........
by Marilyn Barnewall
by Jon Christian Ryter
Mark Sanford’s Infidelity Reflection
Despite those who proclaim, after being caught in extramarital liaisons, that they will work on and fix their marriages, it cannot be done. The dynamic between the spouses is never the same again, because the foundation of trust is permanently cracked......
by Marc Rudov